SolutionFolder 介面
命名空間: EnvDTE80
組件: EnvDTE80 (在 EnvDTE80.dll 中)
<GuidAttribute("F8F69788-267C-4408-8967-74F26108C438")> _
Public Interface SolutionFolder
public interface SolutionFolder
public interface class SolutionFolder
type SolutionFolder = interface end
public interface SolutionFolder
SolutionFolder 型別會公開下列成員。
名稱 | 說明 | |
DTE | 取得最上層的擴充性物件。 | |
Hidden | 設定或取得隱藏的方案屬性。 | |
Parent | 取得 Find 物件的直接上層父物件。 |
名稱 | 說明 | |
AddFromFile | 將現有專案加入至方案資料夾。 | |
AddFromTemplate | 依據專案範本將新專案加入至方案資料夾。 | |
AddSolutionFolder | 將方案資料夾加入至 ProjectItems 集合。 |
在 Visual Studio 2005 中,方案除了可以包含專案資料夾之外,還可以包含方案資料夾。 方案資料夾是專案容器,可讓開發人員能更妥善組織大型應用程式。
方案的 Projects 屬性會傳回 Project 物件的集合。 每個個別專案都有 Kind 屬性,此屬性可設為 vsProjectKindSolutionFolder。 若要取得 SolutionFolder 介面,請呼叫 Project.Object,然後將傳回的物件轉型成 SolutionFolder 型別。
這個範例中,會建立新方案資料夾,並從現有檔案中加入專案至此資料夾。 在執行這個範例之前,請先在主磁碟機 (在範例中為 "C:") 以外的地方建立一個 "Projects" 資料夾,並在其中建立名為 "ClassLibrary1" 的 Visual C# 類別庫專案。 執行這個增益集之前,您也必須開啟 Visual Studio 整合式開發環境 (IDE) 中的專案。
如需如何像執行增益集一般,執行這個範例的詳細資訊,請參閱 HOW TO:編譯和執行 Automation 物件模型程式碼範例。
Imports EnvDTE
Imports EnvDTE80
Public Sub OnConnection(ByVal application As Object, _
ByVal connectMode As ext_ConnectMode, ByVal addInInst As Object, _
ByRef custom As Array) Implements IDTExtensibility2.OnConnection
_applicationObject = CType(application, DTE2)
_addInInstance = CType(addInInst, AddIn)
End Sub
Sub solnFolderAddFromFileExample(ByVal dte As DTE2)
' Before running this example, create a "Projects" folder
' off your main drive (C: in this example), and create a C#
' class library project, named ClassLibrary1 in that folder.
Dim soln As Solution2 = CType(_applicationObject.Solution _
, Solution2)
Dim prj As Project
Dim SF As SolutionFolder
Dim prjPath As String = _
' Open a project in the Visual Studio IDE before running
' this add-in.
' Add a solution folder.
prj = soln.AddSolutionFolder("A new soln folder")
SF = CType(prj.Object, SolutionFolder)
' Add a project to the new solution folder.
MsgBox("Added a new solution folder that contains a _
C# project named ClassLibrary1.")
Catch ex As System.Exception
End Try
End Sub
using EnvDTE;
using EnvDTE80;
using System.Windows.Forms;
public void OnConnection(object application,
ext_ConnectMode connectMode, object addInInst, ref Array custom)
_applicationObject = (DTE2)application;
_addInInstance = (AddIn)addInInst;
public void solnFolderAddFromFileExample(DTE2 dte)
// Before running this example, create a "Projects" folder
// off your main drive (C: in this example), and create a C#
// class library project, named ClassLibrary1 in that folder.
Solution2 soln = (Solution2)_applicationObject.Solution;
Project prj;
SolutionFolder SF;
String prjPath =
// Open a project in the Visual Studio IDE before running
// this add-in.
// Add a solution folder.
prj = soln.AddSolutionFolder("A new soln folder");
SF = (SolutionFolder)prj.Object;
// Add a project to the new solution folder.
MessageBox.Show("Added a new solution folder that contains a
C# project named ClassLibrary1.");
catch(SystemException ex)