更新:2007 年 11 月
因為必須將執行緒類別的建構函式 (Constructor) 傳遞給不使用引數且不傳回值的程序參考,所以在多執行緒應用程式 (Multithreaded Application) 中提供和傳回值並不容易。以下章節將說明一些簡單的方法,來提供參數以及從個別執行緒上的程序傳回值。
Function CalcArea(ByVal Base As Double, ByVal Height As Double) As Double
CalcArea = 0.5 * Base * Height
End Function
您可以寫入類別來包裝 CalcArea 函式,並建立欄位以儲存輸入參數,如以下所示:
Class AreaClass
Public Base As Double
Public Height As Double
Public Area As Double
Sub CalcArea()
Area = 0.5 * Base * Height
MsgBox("The area is: " & Area)
End Sub
End Class
若要使用 AreaClass,您可以建立 AreaClass 物件,並設定 Base 和 Height 屬性,如下列程式碼所示:
Protected Sub TestArea()
Dim AreaObject As New AreaClass
Dim Thread As New System.Threading.Thread _
(AddressOf AreaObject.CalcArea)
AreaObject.Base = 30
AreaObject.Height = 40
End Sub
請注意,TestArea 程序在呼叫 CalcArea 方法之後,不會檢查 Area 欄位的值。由於 CalcArea 是在個別的執行緒上執行,因此如果您在呼叫 Thread.Start 之後立即檢查 Area 欄位,則不保證它已設定好。下一章節將討論從多執行緒程序傳回值的較佳做法。
從個別執行緒上執行的程序傳回值之所以複雜的原因是,程序不能是函式且無法使用 ByRef 引數。傳回值的最簡單方式是使用 BackgroundWorker 元件管理執行緒,並在工作完成時引發事件,且使用事件處理常式處理結果。
Private Class AreaClass2
Public Base As Double
Public Height As Double
Function CalcArea() As Double
' Calculate the area of a triangle.
Return 0.5 * Base * Height
End Function
End Class
Private WithEvents BackgroundWorker1 As New System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker
Private Sub TestArea2()
Dim AreaObject2 As New AreaClass2
AreaObject2.Base = 30
AreaObject2.Height = 40
' Start the asynchronous operation.
End Sub
' This method runs on the background thread when it starts.
Private Sub BackgroundWorker1_DoWork(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs) _
Handles BackgroundWorker1.DoWork
Dim AreaObject2 As AreaClass2 = CType(e.Argument, AreaClass2)
' Return the value through the Result property.
e.Result = AreaObject2.CalcArea()
End Sub
' This method runs on the main thread when the background thread finishes.
Private Sub BackgroundWorker1_RunWorkerCompleted(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs) _
Handles BackgroundWorker1.RunWorkerCompleted
' Access the result through the Result property.
Dim Area As Double = CDbl(e.Result)
MsgBox("The area is: " & Area)
End Sub
使用 QueueUserWorkItem 方法的選擇性 ByVal 狀態物件變數,即可提供參數並將值傳至執行緒集區執行緒。執行緒計時器執行緒也支援狀態物件,以達成這個目的。如需執行緒集區和執行緒計時器的詳細資訊,請參閱執行緒共用和執行緒計時器。