
HOW TO:排序 ListView 項目

更新:2007 年 11 月

.NET Compact Framework 不支援 ListViewSort 方法,但是您仍然可以使用 IComparer 介面來排序項目,並在 ArrayList 上使用 Sort 方法。





這個類別衍生自 ColumnHeader 類別,用於將資料行加入至 ListView 控制項,以及排序所點選的資料行。它包括指定排序方向的 ascending 屬性:true 指定遞增,false 則指定遞減。


點選資料行時,會對每個 ListItem 建立此類別的執行個體,然後將它加入至 ArrayList。每個包裝的項目都包括一個屬性,內含已點選資料行的索引。

這個類別包含 SortComparer 類別。


在 SortWrapper 類別內,這個類別會定義 IComparer 介面的實作,排序 ArrayList 時,該介面的 Compare 方法會一次比較兩個物件。

ColumnClick 事件的事件處理常式會執行排序作業,如下所示:

  1. 建立 ColHeader 類別的執行個體,以判斷點選了哪個資料行。

  2. 設定 ColHeader 物件的 ascending 屬性,以反方向排序。

  3. 取得清單中的項目數目。

  4. 在使用 BeginUpdate 方法進行排序期間,停用繪製顯示畫面。

  5. 將每一個 ListView 項目的 SortWrapper 加入至 ArrayList

  6. 使用 SortComparer 類別的新執行個體,以排序 ArrayList 中的項目,這個類別實作 IComparer 介面時,會在其 Compare 方法中包含排序邏輯。

  7. 清除項目的 ListView 控制項,並從 ArrayList 利用已排序的項目重新填入控制項。

  8. 使用 EndUpdate 方法啟用繪製顯示畫面。

請注意,ArrayList 上的 Sort 方法會執行不穩定的排序,亦即,如果有兩個項目相同,可能無法保留其順序。相反地,穩定排序可以保留相等項目的順序。


  1. 將 SortWrapper 類別加入您的專案,其中也包含 SortComparer 類別。

    ' An instance of the SortWrapper class is created for 
    ' each item and added to the ArrayList for sorting.
    Public Class SortWrapper
        Friend sortItem As ListViewItem
        Friend sortColumn As Integer
        ' A SortWrapper requires the item and the index of the clicked column.
        Public Sub New(ByVal Item As ListViewItem, ByVal iColumn As Integer)
            sortItem = Item
            sortColumn = iColumn
        End Sub
        ' Text property for getting the text of an item.
        Public ReadOnly Property [Text]() As String
                Return sortItem.SubItems(sortColumn).Text
            End Get
        End Property
        ' Implementation of the IComparer 
        ' interface for sorting ArrayList items.
        Public Class SortComparer
            Implements IComparer
            Private ascending As Boolean
            ' Constructor requires the sort order;
            ' true if ascending, otherwise descending.
            Public Sub New(ByVal asc As Boolean)
                Me.ascending = asc
            End Sub
            ' Implemnentation of the IComparer:Compare 
            ' method for comparing two objects.
            Public Function [Compare](ByVal x As Object, ByVal y As Object) As Integer Implements IComparer.Compare
                Dim xItem As SortWrapper = CType(x, SortWrapper)
                Dim yItem As SortWrapper = CType(y, SortWrapper)
                Dim xText As String = xItem.sortItem.SubItems(xItem.sortColumn).Text
                Dim yText As String = yItem.sortItem.SubItems(yItem.sortColumn).Text
                Return xText.CompareTo(yText) * IIf(Me.ascending, 1, -1)
            End Function
        End Class
    End Class
    // An instance of the SortWrapper class is created for
    // each item and added to the ArrayList for sorting.
    public class SortWrapper
        internal ListViewItem sortItem;
        internal int sortColumn;
        // A SortWrapper requires the item and the index of the clicked column.
        public SortWrapper (ListViewItem Item, int iColumn)
            sortItem = Item;
            sortColumn = iColumn;
        // Text property for getting the text of an item.
        public string Text
                return sortItem.SubItems[sortColumn].Text;
        // Implementation of the IComparer
        // interface for sorting ArrayList items.
        public class SortComparer : IComparer
            bool ascending;
            // Constructor requires the sort order;
            // true if ascending, otherwise descending.
            public SortComparer(bool asc)
                this.ascending = asc;
            // Implemnentation of the IComparer:Compare
            // method for comparing two objects.
            public int Compare(object x, object y)
                SortWrapper xItem = (SortWrapper) x;
                SortWrapper yItem = (SortWrapper) y;
                string xText = xItem.sortItem.SubItems[xItem.sortColumn].Text;
                string yText = yItem.sortItem.SubItems[yItem.sortColumn].Text;
                return xText.CompareTo(yText) * (this.ascending ? 1 : -1);
  2. 將 ColHeader 類別加入至專案。

    ' The ColHeader class is a ColumnHeader object with an 
    ' added property for determining an ascending or descending sort.
    ' True specifies an ascending order, false specifies a descending order.
    Public Class ColHeader
        Inherits ColumnHeader
        Public ascending As Boolean
        Public Sub New(ByVal [text] As String, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal align As HorizontalAlignment, ByVal asc As Boolean)
            Me.Text = [text]
            Me.Width = width
            Me.TextAlign = align
            Me.ascending = asc
        End Sub
    End Class
    // The ColHeader class is a ColumnHeader object with an
    // added property for determining an ascending or descending sort.
    // True specifies an ascending order, false specifies a descending order.
    public class ColHeader : ColumnHeader
        public bool ascending;
        public ColHeader(string text, int width,  HorizontalAlignment align, bool asc)
            this.Text = text;
            this.Width = width;
            this.TextAlign = align;
            this.ascending = asc;
  3. 加入含有 ColHeader 類別的資料行,並加入 ListView 項目。

    ' Set to Details view.
    Me.listView1.View = View.Details
    ' Add columns using the ColHeader class. The fourth    
    ' parameter specifies true for an ascending sort order.
    listView1.Columns.Add(New ColHeader("Name", 110, HorizontalAlignment.Left, True))
    listView1.Columns.Add(New ColHeader("Region", 50, HorizontalAlignment.Left, True))
    listView1.Columns.Add(New ColHeader("Sales", 70, HorizontalAlignment.Left, True))
    ' Add the data.
    listView1.Items.Add(New ListViewItem(New String() {"Archer, Karen", "4", "0521.28"}))
    listView1.Items.Add(New ListViewItem(New String() {"Benson, Max", "8", "0828.54"}))
    listView1.Items.Add(New ListViewItem(New String() {"Bezio, Marin", "3", "0535.22"}))
    listView1.Items.Add(New ListViewItem(New String() {"Higa, Sidney", "2", "0987.50"}))
    listView1.Items.Add(New ListViewItem(New String() {"Martin, Linda", "6", "1122.12"}))
    listView1.Items.Add(New ListViewItem(New String() {"Nash, Mike", "7", "1030.11"}))
    listView1.Items.Add(New ListViewItem(New String() {"Sanchez, Ken", "1", "0958.78"}))
    listView1.Items.Add(New ListViewItem(New String() {"Smith, Ben", "5", "0763.25"}))
    ' Connect the ListView.ColumnClick event to the ColumnClick event handler.
    AddHandler Me.listView1.ColumnClick, AddressOf listView1_ColumnClick
    this.listView1.View = View.Details;
    // Add columns using the ColHeader class. The fourth
    // parameter specifies true for an ascending sort order.
    listView1.Columns.Add(new ColHeader("Name", 110, HorizontalAlignment.Left, true));
    listView1.Columns.Add(new ColHeader("Region", 50, HorizontalAlignment.Left, true));
    listView1.Columns.Add(new ColHeader("Sales", 70, HorizontalAlignment.Left, true));
    // Add the data.
    listView1.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] {"Archer, Karen","4","0521.28"}));
    listView1.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] {"Benson, Max","8","0828.54"}));
    listView1.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] {"Bezio, Marin","3","0535.22"}));
    listView1.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] {"Higa, Sidney","2","0987.50"}));
    listView1.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] {"Martin, Linda","6","1122.12"}));
    listView1.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] {"Nash, Mike","7","1030.11"}));
    listView1.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] {"Sanchez, Ken","1","0958.78"}));
    listView1.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] {"Smith, Ben","5","0763.25"}));
    // Connect the ListView.ColumnClick event to the ColumnClick event handler.
    this.listView1.ColumnClick += new ColumnClickEventHandler(listView1_ColumnClick);
  4. 加入用來執行排序的程式碼。

    Private Sub listView1_ColumnClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ColumnClickEventArgs)
        ' Create an instance of the ColHeader class. 
        Dim clickedCol As ColHeader = CType(Me.listView1.Columns(e.Column), ColHeader)
        ' Set the ascending property to sort in the opposite order.
        clickedCol.ascending = Not clickedCol.ascending
        ' Get the number of items in the list.
        Dim numItems As Integer = Me.listView1.Items.Count
        ' Turn off display while data is repoplulated.
        ' Populate an ArrayList with a SortWrapper of each list item.
        Dim SortArray As New ArrayList
        Dim i As Integer
        For i = 0 To numItems - 1
            SortArray.Add(New SortWrapper(Me.listView1.Items(i), e.Column))
        Next i
        ' Sort the elements in the ArrayList using a new instance of the SortComparer
        ' class. The parameters are the starting index, the length of the range to sort,
        ' and the IComparer implementation to use for comparing elements. Note that
        ' the IComparer implementation (SortComparer) requires the sort  
        ' direction for its constructor; true if ascending, othwise false.
        SortArray.Sort(0, SortArray.Count, New SortWrapper.SortComparer(clickedCol.ascending))
        ' Clear the list, and repopulate with the sorted items.
        Dim z As Integer
        For z = 0 To numItems - 1
            Me.listView1.Items.Add(CType(SortArray(z), SortWrapper).sortItem)
        Next z
        ' Turn display back on.
    End Sub
    private void listView1_ColumnClick(object sender, ColumnClickEventArgs e)
        // Create an instance of the ColHeader class.
        ColHeader clickedCol = (ColHeader)this.listView1.Columns[e.Column];
        // Set the ascending property to sort in the opposite order.
        clickedCol.ascending = !clickedCol.ascending;
        // Get the number of items in the list.
        int numItems = this.listView1.Items.Count;
        // Turn off display while data is repoplulated.
        // Populate an ArrayList with a SortWrapper of each list item.
        ArrayList SortArray = new ArrayList();
        for (int i = 0; i < numItems; i++)
            SortArray.Add(new SortWrapper(this.listView1.Items[i], e.Column));
        // Sort the elements in the ArrayList using a new instance of the SortComparer
        // class. The parameters are the starting index, the length of the range to sort,
        // and the IComparer implementation to use for comparing elements. Note that
        // the IComparer implementation (SortComparer) requires the sort
        // direction for its constructor; true if ascending, othwise false.
        SortArray.Sort(0, SortArray.Count, new SortWrapper.SortComparer(clickedCol.ascending));
        // Clear the list, and repopulate with the sorted items.
        for  (int i = 0; i < numItems; i++)
        // Turn display back on.






.NET Compact Framework HOW TO 主題


.NET Compact Framework 中的 Windows Form 控制項