更新:2007 年 11 月
下列程式碼範例示範,如何撰寫實作抽象 SiteMapProvider 類別的類別。
Imports System
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Collections.Specialized
Imports System.Configuration.Provider
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Security.Permissions
Imports System.Web
Namespace Samples.AspNet.VB
<AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Level:=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)> _
Public Class SimpleTextSiteMapProvider
Inherits SiteMapProvider
Private parentSiteMapProvider As SiteMapProvider = Nothing
Private simpleTextProviderName As String = Nothing
Private sourceFilename As String = Nothing
Private aRootNode As SiteMapNode = Nothing
Private siteMapNodes As ArrayList = Nothing
Private childParentRelationship As ArrayList = Nothing
' A default constructor. The Name property is initialized in the
' Initialize method.
Public Sub New()
End Sub 'New
' Implement the CurrentNode property.
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property CurrentNode() As SiteMapNode
Dim currentUrl As String = FindCurrentUrl()
' Find the SiteMapNode that represents the current page.
Dim aCurrentNode As SiteMapNode = FindSiteMapNode(currentUrl)
Return aCurrentNode
End Get
End Property
' Implement the RootNode property.
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property RootNode() As SiteMapNode
Return aRootNode
End Get
End Property
' Implement the ParentProvider property.
Public Overrides Property ParentProvider() As SiteMapProvider
Return parentSiteMapProvider
End Get
Set(ByVal value As SiteMapProvider)
parentSiteMapProvider = Value
End Set
End Property
' Implement the RootProvider property.
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property RootProvider() As SiteMapProvider
' If the current instance belongs to a provider hierarchy, it
' cannot be the RootProvider. Rely on the ParentProvider.
If Not (Me.ParentProvider Is Nothing) Then
Return ParentProvider.RootProvider
' If the current instance does not have a ParentProvider, it is
' not a child in a hierarchy, and can be the RootProvider.
Return Me
End If
End Get
End Property
' Implement the FindSiteMapNode method.
Public Overrides Function FindSiteMapNode(ByVal rawUrl As String) As SiteMapNode
' Does the root node match the URL?
If RootNode.Url = rawUrl Then
Return RootNode
Dim candidate As SiteMapNode = Nothing
' Retrieve the SiteMapNode that matches the URL.
SyncLock Me
candidate = GetNode(siteMapNodes, rawUrl)
End SyncLock
Return candidate
End If
End Function 'FindSiteMapNode
' Implement the GetChildNodes method.
Public Overrides Function GetChildNodes(ByVal node As SiteMapNode) As SiteMapNodeCollection
Dim children As New SiteMapNodeCollection()
' Iterate through the ArrayList and find all nodes that have the specified node as a parent.
SyncLock Me
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To childParentRelationship.Count - 1
Dim de As DictionaryEntry = CType(childParentRelationship(i), DictionaryEntry)
Dim nodeUrl As String = CType(de.Key, String)
Dim parent As SiteMapNode = GetNode(childParentRelationship, nodeUrl)
If Not (parent Is Nothing) AndAlso node.Url = parent.Url Then
' The SiteMapNode with the Url that corresponds to nodeUrl
' is a child of the specified node. Get the SiteMapNode for
' the nodeUrl.
Dim child As SiteMapNode = FindSiteMapNode(nodeUrl)
If Not (child Is Nothing) Then
children.Add(CType(child, SiteMapNode))
Throw New Exception("ArrayLists not in sync.")
End If
End If
Next i
End SyncLock
Return children
End Function 'GetChildNodes
Protected Overrides Function GetRootNodeCore() As SiteMapNode
Return RootNode
End Function ' GetRootNodeCore()
' Implement the GetParentNode method.
Public Overrides Function GetParentNode(ByVal node As SiteMapNode) As SiteMapNode
' Check the childParentRelationship table and find the parent of the current node.
' If there is no parent, the current node is the RootNode.
Dim parent As SiteMapNode = Nothing
SyncLock Me
' Get the Value of the node in childParentRelationship
parent = GetNode(childParentRelationship, node.Url)
End SyncLock
Return parent
End Function 'GetParentNode
' Implement the ProviderBase.Initialize method.
' Initialize is used to initialize the state that the Provider holds, but
' not actually build the site map.
Public Overrides Sub Initialize(ByVal name As String, ByVal attributes As NameValueCollection)
SyncLock Me
MyBase.Initialize(name, attributes)
simpleTextProviderName = name
sourceFilename = attributes("siteMapFile")
siteMapNodes = New ArrayList()
childParentRelationship = New ArrayList()
' Build the site map in memory.
End SyncLock
End Sub 'Initialize
' Private helper methods
Private Function GetNode(ByVal list As ArrayList, ByVal url As String) As SiteMapNode
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To list.Count - 1
Dim item As DictionaryEntry = CType(list(i), DictionaryEntry)
If CStr(item.Key) = url Then
Return CType(item.Value, SiteMapNode)
End If
Next i
Return Nothing
End Function 'GetNode
' Get the URL of the currently displayed page.
Private Function FindCurrentUrl() As String
' The current HttpContext.
Dim currentContext As HttpContext = HttpContext.Current
If Not (currentContext Is Nothing) Then
Return currentContext.Request.RawUrl
Throw New Exception("HttpContext.Current is Invalid")
End If
Catch e As Exception
Throw New NotSupportedException("This provider requires a valid context.", e)
End Try
End Function 'FindCurrentUrl
Protected Overridable Sub LoadSiteMapFromStore()
Dim pathToOpen As String
SyncLock Me
' If a root node exists, LoadSiteMapFromStore has already
' been called, and the method can return.
If Not (aRootNode Is Nothing) Then
pathToOpen = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~" & "\\" & sourceFilename)
If File.Exists(pathToOpen) Then
' Open the file to read from.
Dim sr As StreamReader = File.OpenText(pathToOpen)
' Clear the state of the collections and aRootNode
aRootNode = Nothing
' Parse the file and build the site map
Dim s As String = ""
Dim nodeValues As String() = Nothing
Dim temp As SiteMapNode = Nothing
s = sr.ReadLine()
If Not s Is Nothing Then
' Build the various SiteMapNode objects and add
' them to the ArrayList collections. The format used
nodeValues = s.Split(","c)
temp = New SiteMapNode(Me, _
HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppVirtualPath & "/" & nodeValues(0), _
HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppVirtualPath & "/" & nodeValues(0), _
nodeValues(1), _
' Is this a root node yet?
If aRootNode Is Nothing AndAlso _
(nodeValues(3) Is Nothing OrElse _
nodeValues(3) = String.Empty) Then
aRootNode = temp
' If not the root node, add the node to the various collections.
siteMapNodes.Add(New DictionaryEntry(temp.Url, temp))
' The parent node has already been added to the collection.
Dim parentNode As SiteMapNode = _
FindSiteMapNode(HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppVirtualPath & "/" & nodeValues(3))
If Not (parentNode Is Nothing) Then
childParentRelationship.Add(New DictionaryEntry(temp.Url, parentNode))
Throw New Exception("Parent node not found for current node.")
End If
End If
End If
Loop Until s Is Nothing
End Try
Throw New Exception("File not found")
End If
End If
End SyncLock
End Sub 'LoadSiteMapFromStore
End Class 'SimpleTextSiteMapProvider
End Namespace
using System;
using System.Configuration.Provider;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.IO;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Web;
namespace Samples.AspNet.CS
[AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Level = AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)]
public class SimpleTextSiteMapProvider : SiteMapProvider
private SiteMapProvider parentSiteMapProvider = null;
private string simpleTextProviderName = null;
private string sourceFilename = null;
private SiteMapNode rootNode = null;
private ArrayList siteMapNodes = null;
private ArrayList childParentRelationship = null;
// A default constructor. The Name property is initialized in the
// Initialize method.
public SimpleTextSiteMapProvider()
// Implement the CurrentNode property.
public override SiteMapNode CurrentNode
string currentUrl = FindCurrentUrl();
// Find the SiteMapNode that represents the current page.
SiteMapNode currentNode = FindSiteMapNode(currentUrl);
return currentNode;
// Implement the RootNode property.
public override SiteMapNode RootNode
return rootNode;
// Implement the ParentProvider property.
public override SiteMapProvider ParentProvider
return parentSiteMapProvider;
parentSiteMapProvider = value;
// Implement the RootProvider property.
public override SiteMapProvider RootProvider
// If the current instance belongs to a provider hierarchy, it
// cannot be the RootProvider. Rely on the ParentProvider.
if (this.ParentProvider != null)
return ParentProvider.RootProvider;
// If the current instance does not have a ParentProvider, it is
// not a child in a hierarchy, and can be the RootProvider.
return this;
// Implement the FindSiteMapNode method.
public override SiteMapNode FindSiteMapNode(string rawUrl)
// Does the root node match the URL?
if (RootNode.Url == rawUrl)
return RootNode;
SiteMapNode candidate = null;
// Retrieve the SiteMapNode that matches the URL.
lock (this)
candidate = GetNode(siteMapNodes, rawUrl);
return candidate;
// Implement the GetChildNodes method.
public override SiteMapNodeCollection GetChildNodes(SiteMapNode node)
SiteMapNodeCollection children = new SiteMapNodeCollection();
// Iterate through the ArrayList and find all nodes that have the specified node as a parent.
lock (this)
for (int i = 0; i < childParentRelationship.Count; i++)
string nodeUrl = ((DictionaryEntry)childParentRelationship[i]).Key as string;
SiteMapNode parent = GetNode(childParentRelationship, nodeUrl);
if (parent != null && node.Url == parent.Url)
// The SiteMapNode with the Url that corresponds to nodeUrl
// is a child of the specified node. Get the SiteMapNode for
// the nodeUrl.
SiteMapNode child = FindSiteMapNode(nodeUrl);
if (child != null)
children.Add(child as SiteMapNode);
throw new Exception("ArrayLists not in sync.");
return children;
protected override SiteMapNode GetRootNodeCore()
return RootNode;
// Implement the GetParentNode method.
public override SiteMapNode GetParentNode(SiteMapNode node)
// Check the childParentRelationship table and find the parent of the current node.
// If there is no parent, the current node is the RootNode.
SiteMapNode parent = null;
lock (this)
// Get the Value of the node in childParentRelationship
parent = GetNode(childParentRelationship, node.Url);
return parent;
// Implement the ProviderBase.Initialize property.
// Initialize is used to initialize the state that the Provider holds, but
// not actually build the site map.
public override void Initialize(string name, NameValueCollection attributes)
lock (this)
base.Initialize(name, attributes);
simpleTextProviderName = name;
sourceFilename = attributes["siteMapFile"];
siteMapNodes = new ArrayList();
childParentRelationship = new ArrayList();
// Build the site map in memory.
// Private helper methods
private SiteMapNode GetNode(ArrayList list, string url)
for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
DictionaryEntry item = (DictionaryEntry)list[i];
if ((string)item.Key == url)
return item.Value as SiteMapNode;
return null;
// Get the URL of the currently displayed page.
private string FindCurrentUrl()
// The current HttpContext.
HttpContext currentContext = HttpContext.Current;
if (currentContext != null)
return currentContext.Request.RawUrl;
throw new Exception("HttpContext.Current is Invalid");
catch (Exception e)
throw new NotSupportedException("This provider requires a valid context.",e);
protected virtual void LoadSiteMapFromStore()
string pathToOpen;
lock (this)
// If a root node exists, LoadSiteMapFromStore has already
// been called, and the method can return.
if (rootNode != null)
pathToOpen = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~" + "\\" + sourceFilename);
if (File.Exists(pathToOpen))
// Open the file to read from.
using (StreamReader sr = File.OpenText(pathToOpen))
// Clear the state of the collections and rootNode
rootNode = null;
// Parse the file and build the site map
string s = "";
string[] nodeValues = null;
SiteMapNode temp = null;
while ((s = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
// Build the various SiteMapNode objects and add
// them to the ArrayList collections. The format used
nodeValues = s.Split(',');
temp = new SiteMapNode(this,
HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppVirtualPath + "/" + nodeValues[0],
HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppVirtualPath + "/" + nodeValues[0],
// Is this a root node yet?
if (null == rootNode &&
(null == nodeValues[3] || nodeValues[3] == String.Empty))
rootNode = temp;
// If not the root node, add the node to the various collections.
siteMapNodes.Add(new DictionaryEntry(temp.Url, temp));
// The parent node has already been added to the collection.
SiteMapNode parentNode =
FindSiteMapNode(HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppVirtualPath + "/" + nodeValues[3]);
if (parentNode != null)
childParentRelationship.Add(new DictionaryEntry(temp.Url, parentNode));
throw new Exception("Parent node not found for current node.");
throw new Exception("File not found");
程式碼範例使用以逗號分隔名為 SiteMap.txt 的檔案,依特定結構載入網站導覽資訊。檔案的第一行代表網站導覽的根節點,後續的資料行為子節點。每個子節點透過 URL 識別父節點。
default.aspx,Home,MyCompany Home Page,
sale.aspx,Now On Sale,Check Out These Great Deals!,default.aspx
catalog.aspx,Online Catalog,Browse Our Many Great Items!,default.aspx
SimpleTextSiteMapProvider 會提供 SiteMapProvider 類別所有屬性和方法的範例實作。
最後,在 Web.config 檔中將 SimpleTextSiteMapProvider 設定為預設的提供者,如下列程式碼範例所示。
<siteMap defaultProvider="SimpleTextSiteMapProvider">
type="<type name>"
siteMapFile = "<path>/siteMap.txt" />
若要自訂此範例,請以實作網站導覽資料提供者之類別的完整限定名稱,取代 <type name>。例如,在上述 C# 程式碼中,將 <type name> 替換成 Samples.AspNet.CS.SimpleTextSiteMapProvider。如果您編譯網站導覽資料提供者程式碼並將它放在 Bin 目錄中,則 <type name> 字串也必須包含所編譯的檔案名稱 (但不含副檔名)。例如,如果將上述 C# 程式碼編譯成名為 Samples.AspNet.dll 的檔案,您會將 <type name> 替換成 Samples.AspNet.CS.SimpleTextSiteMapProvider.Samples.AspNet。最後,將 <path> 替換成網站導覽檔案的相對路徑。
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當您繼承自 SiteMapProvider 類別時 (相對於繼承自 StaticSiteMapProvider 類別),必須覆寫下列成員:GetRootNodeCore、FindSiteMapNode、GetChildNodes 和 GetParentNode。 |