
HOW TO:傳送通知

更新:2007 年 11 月

每當使用者需在應用程式中採取必要動作時 (例如,被提示要傳送資料),您都可以使用 Notification。通常,您會在事件發生或條件符合時傳送告知,但為了簡單起見,這個範例會在按下按鈕時顯示告知。您可以透過提供程式碼來處理 ResponseSubmitted 事件,以便處理告知的回應。

告知中的訊息可以是純文字或 HTML。HTML 可讓您傳送內含核取方塊、按鈕、清單和其他 HTML 項目的小型 HTML 表單。這個範例會使用內含 [送出] 和 [取消] 按鈕的簡易表單。

[取消] 按鈕可利用 "cmd:2" 來辨識,而 Windows CE 會使用此按鈕來解除告知。如果 cmd:2 是 HTML 按鈕的名稱或訊息提示中的其他項目,則不會引發 ResponseSubmitted 事件。告知雖已解除,但其圖示會放在標題列上並可於稍後回應。


  1. 建立 Pocket PC Windows 應用程式。

  2. NotificationButton 加入至表單。

  3. 建立 Notification 執行個體。

    Me.Notification1 = New Microsoft.WindowsCE.Forms.Notification
    this.notification1 = new Microsoft.WindowsCE.Forms.Notification();
  4. 加入下列程式碼,以處理按鈕的 Click 事件。

    Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
        ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        ' Use a StringBuilder for better performance.
        Dim HTMLString As New StringBuilder
        HTMLString.Append("Submit data?")
        HTMLString.Append("<form method=\'GET\' action=notify>")
        HTMLString.Append("<input type='submit'>")
        HTMLString.Append( _
            "<input type=button name='cmd:2' value='Cancel'>")
        ' Set the Text property to the HTML string.
        Notification1.Text = HTMLString.ToString()
        Dim IconStream As New FileStream(".\My Documents\notify.ico", _
            FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
        Notification1.Icon = new Icon(IconStream, 16, 16)
        Notification1.Caption="Notification Demo"
        Notification1.Critical = false
        ' Display icon up to 10 seconds.
        Notification1.InitialDuration = 10
        Notification1.Visible = true
    End Sub 
    private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
        StringBuilder HTMLString = new StringBuilder();
        HTMLString.Append("Submit data?");
        HTMLString.Append("<form method=\'GET\' action=notify>");
        HTMLString.Append("<input type='submit'>");
        HTMLString.Append("<input type=button name='cmd:2' value='Cancel'>");
        //Set the Text property to the HTML string.
        notification1.Text = HTMLString.ToString();
        FileStream IconStream = new FileStream(".\\My Documents\\notify.ico",
            FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
        notification1.Icon = new Icon(IconStream, 16, 16);
        notification1.Caption="Notification Demo";
        notification1.Critical = false;
        // Display icon up to 10 seconds.
        notification1.InitialDuration = 10;
        notification1.Visible = true;
  5. 加入下列程式碼,以處理 ResponseSubmitted 事件。

    ' When a ResponseSubmitted event occurs, this event handler
    ' parses the response to determine values in the HTML form.
    Private Sub Notification1_ResponseSubmitted(ByVal sender As Object, _
        ByVal resevent As Microsoft.WindowsCE.Forms.ResponseSubmittedEventArgs) _
        Handles Notification1.ResponseSubmitted
        If resevent.Response.Substring(0,6) = "notify" Then
            ' Add code here to respond to the notification.
        End If
    End Sub
    // When a ResponseSubmitted event occurs, this event handler
    // parses the response to determine values in the HTML form.
    notification1.ResponseSubmitted += 
        delegate (object obj, ResponseSubmittedEventArgs resevent)
            if (resevent.Response.Substring(0,6) == "notify")
                // Add code here to respond to the notification.









Pocket PC 開發和 .NET Compact Framework