HOW TO:使用 DocumentList 控制項
更新:2007 年 11 月
如果應用程式是以使用檔案為主,則您可以使用 DocumentList 控制項,在 [我的文件] 資料夾中顯示自訂的資料夾和檔案清單。這個方式類似於 Microsoft Pocket Word 和 Microsoft Pocket Excel 的操作方式。此控制項會提供下列功能給使用者:
若要實作 DocumentList 控制項
以 DocumentList 建立 Pocket PC Windows 應用程式。
指定可以用 Filter 屬性存取的檔案類型。
指定最初是以 FilterIndex 屬性顯示的檔案。
以 SelectedDirectory 屬性指定預設資料夾。
提供用來處理 DocumentActivated 事件的程式碼。
提供用來處理 DeletingDocument 事件的程式碼。
提供用來處理 SelectedDirectoryChanged 事件的程式碼。
這個範例會針對表單的 DocumentList 控制項設定 Parent 屬性,使其佔用表單的整個工作區 (Client Area)。如果您要使該控制項佔用較小的區域,可以將這個控制項放在 Panel 中並指定其長度。DocumentList 的寬度應為表單的寬度。
' Set up file extension filters for a
' DocumentList and set the initial folder
' to the Busines folder under My Documents.
Sub SetupDocList()
' Assumes an instance of DocumentList,
' documentList1, has been declared.
With DocumentList1
.Parent = Me
.Filter = " |*.*| |*.txt;*.xml| |*.pwi;*.pdt| " & _
"|*.pxl;*.psw| |*.jpg;*.gif;*.bmp| |*.wav;*.wmv;*.mpg;"
.FilterIndex = 0
.SelectedDirectory = "Business"
End With
End Sub
' Handle the DocumentedActivated
' event with code to open the file.
Private Sub DocList_DocumentActivated(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal docevent As Microsoft.WindowsCE.Forms.DocumentListEventArgs) _
Handles DocumentList1.DocumentActivated
StatusBar1.Text = "Activated: " & docevent.Path
' Add code to open the selected file.
End Sub
' Handle the DeletingDocument
' event with code to close the file.
Private Sub DocList_DeletingDocument(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal docevent As Microsoft.WindowsCE.Forms.DocumentListEventArgs) _
Handles DocumentList1.DeletingDocument
StatusBar1.Text = "Deleted: " & docevent.Path
' Add code to close any instances of the file.
End Sub
' Handle the SelectedDirectoryChanged
' event with code that sets the correct
' path for opening and closing files.
Private Sub DocList_SelectedDirectoryChanged( _
ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles DocumentList1.SelectedDirectoryChanged
StatusBar1.Text = "Folder: " & DocumentList1.SelectedDirectory
' Add code to access the selected folder to open and close files.
End Sub
// Set up file extension filters for a
// DocumentList and set the initial folder
// to the Busines folder under My Documents.
private void SetupDocList()
// Assumes an instance of DocumentList,
// documentList1, has been declared.
documentList1.Parent = this;
// Create event handlers for DocumentList events.
documentList1.DocumentActivated +=
new DocumentListEventHandler(this.OnDocActivated);
documentList1.SelectedDirectoryChanged +=
new EventHandler(this.OnFolderSel);
documentList1.DeletingDocument +=
new DocumentListEventHandler(this.OnDelDoc);
documentList1.Filter = " |*.*| |*.txt;*.xml| |*.pwi;*.pdt| " +
"|*.pxl;*.psw| |*.jpg;*.gif;*.bmp| |*.wav;*.wmv;*.mpg;";
documentList1.FilterIndex = 0;
documentList1.SelectedDirectory = "Business";
private void OnDelDoc(object obj, DocumentListEventArgs DocArgs)
statusBar1.Text += "Deleted: " + DocArgs.Path;
// Add code to close any instances of the file.
private void OnDocActivated(object obj, DocumentListEventArgs DocArgs)
statusBar1.Text = "Activated: " + DocArgs.Path;
// Add code to open the selected file.
private void OnFolderSel(object obj, EventArgs eventg)
statusBar1.Text = "Folder: " + documentList1.SelectedDirectory;
// Add code to access the selected folder to open and close files.