
ContentControlBase.StoreUpdating 事件 (2007 系統)

更新:2007 年 11 月

只在 Microsoft Office Word 更新已繫結至內容控制項之自訂 XML 組件中的資料之前發生 (也就是,在內容控制項中的文字變更之後)。

命名空間:  Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word
組件:  Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.v9.0 (在 Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.v9.0.dll 中)


Public Event StoreUpdating As EventHandler(Of ContentControlStoreUpdatingEventArgs)

Dim instance As ContentControlBase
Dim handler As EventHandler(Of ContentControlStoreUpdatingEventArgs)

AddHandler instance.StoreUpdating, handler
public event EventHandler<ContentControlStoreUpdatingEventArgs> StoreUpdating


您可以將內容控制項繫結至內嵌於文件中之 XML 片段中的項目 (又稱為「自訂 XML 組件」)。如需詳細資訊,請參閱內容控制項自訂 XML 組件概觀

當內容控制項中的文字變更,而內容控制項已繫結至自訂 XML 組件中的項目時,會引發 StoreUpdating 事件。



下列程式碼範例會示範 StoreUpdating 和 ContentUpdating 事件的事件處理常式。這個範例假設文件中包含名為 plainTextContentControl1 且繫結至自訂 XML 組件中之項目的 PlainTextContentControl。如需示範如何將內容控制項繫結至自訂 XML 組件中項目的程式碼範例,請參閱逐步解說:將內容控制項繫結至自訂 XML 組件

若要使用這段程式碼,請將它貼到專案的 ThisDocument 類別中。若為 C#,您還必須將事件處理常式附加至 plainTextContentControl1 的 StoreUpdating 和 ContentUpdating 事件。

Private Sub plainTextContentControl1_StoreUpdating(ByVal sender As Object, _
    ByVal e As Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.ContentControlStoreUpdatingEventArgs) _
    Handles PlainTextContentControl1.StoreUpdating

    MessageBox.Show("The control was changed to the following value: " & vbCrLf & _
        e.Content & vbCrLf & "This value is about to be written to the node that is bound to this control.")
End Sub

Private Sub plainTextContentControl1_ContentUpdating(ByVal sender As Object, _
    ByVal e As Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.ContentControlContentUpdatingEventArgs) _
    Handles PlainTextContentControl1.ContentUpdating

    MessageBox.Show("The node that is bound to this control was changed to the following value: " & vbCrLf & _
        e.Content & vbCrLf & "This value is about to be written to this control.")
End Sub
void plainTextContentControl1_StoreUpdating(object sender, 
    Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.ContentControlStoreUpdatingEventArgs e)
    MessageBox.Show("The control was changed to the following value: \n\n" +
        e.Content + "\n\nThis value is about to be written to the node that is bound to this control.");

void plainTextContentControl1_ContentUpdating(object sender, 
    Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.ContentControlContentUpdatingEventArgs e)
    MessageBox.Show("The node that is bound to this control was changed to the following value: \n\n" +
        e.Content + "\n\nThis value is about to be written to this control.");




ContentControlBase 類別

ContentControlBase 成員

Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word 命名空間



自訂 XML 組件概觀

逐步解說:將內容控制項繫結至自訂 XML 組件