HOW TO:管理物件內容中的資料並行存取 (Entity Framework)
本主題提供的範例將示範如何管理物件內容中的並行。在這個主題中,您將在更新 SalesOrderHeader 物件的 Status 屬性時產生並處理 OptimisticConcurrencyException。如需詳細資訊,請參閱儲存變更及管理並行 (Entity Framework)。
本主題的範例是根據 Adventure Works Sales Model。若要執行此範例中的程式碼,您必須已經將 AdventureWorks Sales Model 加入到專案中,並設定您的專案使用 Entity Framework。若要這樣做,請完成 HOW TO:手動設定 Entity Framework 專案和 HOW TO:以手動方式定義 Entity Data Model (Entity Framework) 中的程序。
若要順利產生 OptimisticConcurrencyException,您必須在概念對應檔中修改 Status 屬性。
若要針對 Status 屬性啟用並行檢查
開啟 AdventureWorks.csdl 檔案並且找出 SalesOrderHeader 實體的定義。
尋找 Status 子元素,並加入下列屬性:
將變更儲存到 AdventureWorks.csdl。
在下列範例程式碼中,於 foreach 迴圈 (Loop) (Visual Basic 中的 For Each) 之後設定中斷點,然後以偵錯模式執行此應用程式。
當執行作業中斷時,請使用 SQL Server Management Studio,針對 AdventureWorks 資料庫執行下列 Transact-SQL 命令:
UPDATE Sales.SalesOrderHeader SET Status = 1 WHERE CreditCardApprovalCode IS NULL.
在這個範例中,當您遵循上述程序之後,對 SalesOrderHeader 物件之 Status 屬性所做的變更就會導致 OptimisticConcurrencyException。
Using context As New AdventureWorksEntities()
' Perform an operation with a high-level of concurrency.
' Change the status of all orders without an approval code.
Dim orders As ObjectQuery(Of SalesOrderHeader) = _
context.SalesOrderHeader.Where( _
"it.CreditCardApprovalCode IS NULL").Top("100")
For Each order As SalesOrderHeader In orders
' Reset the order status to 4 = Rejected.
order.Status = 4
' Try to save changes, which may cause a conflict.
Dim num As Integer = context.SaveChanges()
Console.WriteLine("No conflicts. " + _
num.ToString() + " updates saved.")
Catch ex As OptimisticConcurrencyException
' Resolve the concurrency conflict by refreshing the
' object context before re-saving changes.
context.Refresh(RefreshMode.ClientWins, orders)
' Save changes.
Console.WriteLine("OptimisticConcurrencyException " _
+ "handled and changes saved.")
End Try
For Each order As SalesOrderHeader In orders
Console.WriteLine("Order ID: " + order.SalesOrderID.ToString() _
+ " Order status: " + order.Status.ToString())
Catch ex As UpdateException
End Try
End Using
using (AdventureWorksEntities context =
new AdventureWorksEntities())
// Perform an operation with a high-level of concurrency.
// Change the status of all orders without an approval code.
ObjectQuery<SalesOrderHeader> orders =
"it.CreditCardApprovalCode IS NULL").Top("100");
foreach (SalesOrderHeader order in orders)
// Reset the order status to 4 = Rejected.
order.Status = 4;
// Try to save changes, which may cause a conflict.
int num = context.SaveChanges();
Console.WriteLine("No conflicts. " +
num.ToString() + " updates saved.");
catch (OptimisticConcurrencyException)
// Resolve the concurrency conflict by refreshing the
// object context before re-saving changes.
context.Refresh(RefreshMode.ClientWins, orders);
// Save changes.
Console.WriteLine("OptimisticConcurrencyException "
+ "handled and changes saved");
foreach (SalesOrderHeader order in orders)
Console.WriteLine("Order ID: " + order.SalesOrderID.ToString()
+ " Order status: " + order.Status.ToString());
catch (UpdateException ex)