
編譯器錯誤 CS1525

更新:2007 年 11 月


無效的運算式詞彙 'character'


下列範例會產生 CS1525:

// CS1525.cs
class x
   public static void Main()
      int i = 0;
      i = i +   // OK - identifier
      'c' +     // OK - character
      (5) +     // OK - parenthesis
      [ +       // CS1525, operator not a valid expression element
      throw +   // CS1525, keyword not allowed in expression
      void;     // CS1525, void not allowed in expression

空白標籤也可能產生 CS1525,如下列範例所示:

// CS1525b.cs
using System;
public class MyClass
   public static void Main()
      goto FoundIt;
      FoundIt:      // CS1525
      // Uncomment the following line to resolve:
      // System.Console.Write("Hello");