更新:2007 年 11 月
若要建立類別的建構函式,要先在類別定義中的任意處,建立名為 Sub New 的程序。若要建立參數型建構函式,應將引數的名稱和資料型別指定給 Sub New,正如您為其他任何程序指定引數一般,如下列程式碼所示:
Sub New(ByVal s As String)
Sub New(ByVal s As String, i As Integer)
當您定義衍生自另一類別的類別時,建構函式的第一行必須呼叫基底類別的建構函式,除非基底類別含有不帶有任何參數的可存取建構函式。例如,呼叫包含上述建構函式的基底類別可以是 MyBase.New(s)。否則,MyBase.New 為選擇項,而且 Visual Basic 執行階段會隱含地呼叫它。
撰寫呼叫父物件建構函式的程式碼之後,您可以將任何額外的初始化程式碼加入至 Sub New 程序。以參數化建構函式呼叫 Sub New 時,它可以接受引數。這些參數會從呼叫建構函式的程序傳遞過來,例如 Dim AnObject As New ThisClass(X)。
下列程式碼將顯示如何使用 Dispose 和 Finalize,釋放基底類別中的資源。
注意事項: |
您應該遵循在物件存留期:物件的建立和終結中開始實作 IDisposable 的方針。 |
' Design pattern for a base class.
Public Class Base
Implements IDisposable
' Keep track of when the object is disposed.
Protected disposed As Boolean = False
' This method disposes the base object's resources.
Protected Overridable Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean)
If Not Me.disposed Then
If disposing Then
' Insert code to free managed resources.
End If
' Insert code to free unmanaged resources.
End If
Me.disposed = True
End Sub
#Region " IDisposable Support "
' Do not change or add Overridable to these methods.
' Put cleanup code in Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean).
Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub Finalize()
End Sub
#End Region
End Class
下列程式碼將顯示如何使用 Dispose 和 Finalize,釋放衍生類別中的資源。
' Design pattern for a derived class.
Public Class Derived
Inherits Base
' This method disposes the derived object's resources.
Protected Overrides Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean)
If Not Me.disposed Then
If disposing Then
' Insert code to free managed resources.
End If
' Insert code to free unmanaged resources.
End If
End Sub
' The derived class does not have a Finalize method
' or a Dispose method with parameters because it inherits
' them from the base class.
End Class
下列程式碼將顯示 Dispose 解構函式的通用設計模式,這個模式會使用 Using 區塊和對等用法的 Try...Finally 區塊。
Sub DemonstrateUsing()
Using d As New Derived
' Code to use the Derived object goes here.
End Using
End Sub
Sub DemonstrateTry()
Dim d As Derived = Nothing
d = New Derived
' Code to use the Derived object goes here.
' Call the Dispose method when done, even if there is an exception.
If Not d Is Nothing Then
End If
End Try
End Sub
注意事項: |
雖然這個範例會使用 Collect,示範記憶體回收行程將呼叫哪些方法,以用於處置 (Dispose) 方法,但是通常您應該讓 Common Language Runtime (CLR) 管理記憶體回收。 |
Sub TestConstructorsAndDestructors()
' Demonstrate how the Using statement calls the Dispose method.
Using AnObject As New ThisClass(6)
' Place statements here that use the object.
MsgBox("The value of ThisProperty after being initialized " & _
" by the constructor is " & AnObject.ThisProperty & ".")
End Using
' Demonstrate how the garbage collector calls the Finalize method.
Dim AnObject2 As New ThisClass(6)
AnObject2 = Nothing
End Sub
Public Class BaseClass
Sub New()
MsgBox("BaseClass is initializing with Sub New.")
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub Finalize()
MsgBox("BaseClass is shutting down with Sub Finalize.")
' Place final cleanup tasks here.
End Sub
End Class
Public Class ThisClass
Inherits BaseClass
Implements IDisposable
Sub New(ByVal SomeValue As Integer)
' Call MyBase.New if this is a derived class.
MsgBox("ThisClass is initializing with Sub New.")
' Place initialization statements here.
ThisPropertyValue = SomeValue
End Sub
Private ThisPropertyValue As Integer
Property ThisProperty() As Integer
ThisProperty = ThisPropertyValue
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Integer)
ThisPropertyValue = Value
End Set
End Property
Protected Overrides Sub Finalize()
MsgBox("ThisClass is shutting down with Sub Finalize.")
End Sub
' Do not add Overridable to this method.
Public Overloads Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
MsgBox("ThisClass is shutting down with Sub Dispose.")
End Sub
Private disposed As Boolean = False
Public Sub CheckIfDisposed()
If Me.disposed Then
Throw New ObjectDisposedException(Me.GetType().ToString, _
"This object has been disposed.")
End If
End Sub
Protected Overridable Overloads Sub Dispose( _
ByVal disposing As Boolean)
MsgBox("ThisClass is shutting down with the Sub Dispose overload.")
' Place final cleanup tasks here.
If Not Me.disposed Then
If disposing Then
' Dispose of any managed resources.
End If
' Dispose of any unmanaged resource.
' Call MyBase.Finalize if this is a derived class,
' and the base class does not implement Dispose.
End If
Me.disposed = True
End Sub
End Class
當您執行此範例時,ThisClass 類別會呼叫 BaseClass 類別的 Sub New 建構函式。在完成基底類別中的建構函式之後,類別 ThisClass 會執行 Sub New 中剩餘的陳述式,初始化屬性 ThisProperty 的值。
不再需要這個類別時,會在 ThisClass 中呼叫 Dispose 解構函式。
BaseClass is initializing with Sub New.
ThisClass is initializing with Sub New.
The value of ThisProperty after being initialized by the constructor is 6.
ThisClass is shutting down with Sub Dispose.
ThisClass is shutting down with the Sub Dispose overload.
BaseClass is shutting down with Sub Finalize.
BaseClass is initializing with Sub New.
ThisClass is initializing with Sub New.
ThisClass is shutting down with Sub Finalize.
ThisClass is shutting down with the Sub Dispose overload.
BaseClass is shutting down with Sub Finalize.
類別階層架構中的 New 和 Finalize 方法如何運作