

Action declarations can be imported from an existing implementation type. The visibility of the importation can be restricted to include all internal methods or to include all public methods. Specifying all public will import all public methods. Specifying all internal will import all internal, all protected internal, and all public methods. If neither internal nor public importation is specified, then the default is to import declarations from all public, private, and internal methods.

Syntax Definition

ImportActions ::= action all [ public | internal ] Type /*Implementation type*/ .


Declarations containing the keyword all declare as actions all methods from a given type within a visible .NET assembly. These methods are imported as action declarations from the specified implementation type. Here is an example Cord configuration with actions imported from the MyClass implementation type.

using Microsoft.Test;
config AllMembers
   action all MyClass;

This configuration has one action for each method in type MyClass which results in the following signature (that is, set of atomic actions):

call Microsoft.Test.MyClass.MyMethod(int)

return Microsoft.Test.MyClass.MyMethod(int)/int


In this example, all methods of MyClass are imported and declared regardless of their visibility because no public or internal restriction on visibility was specified.

See Also




Cord Syntax Definition

Other Resources

Cord Scripting Language