
Font Dialog Box

Controls the font type, style, and size.

You can change fonts in a text file, field or label control in a report or label, or the Command window. To change fonts in reports and labels, you must create a label control or field control and then select it.

  • Font
    Displays the available fonts.

  • Font Style
    Displays the styles (Regular, Bold, Italic, or Bold Italic) you can apply to the font or selected text.

  • Size
    Displays a list of point sizes for the font.


    • Strikeout   Strikes through text using a horizontal line. This option appears only when you are working with a report or label.
    • Underline   Underlines the selected text. This option appears only when you are working with a report or label.
  • Color
    Specifies text color of selected text. This option appears only when you are working with a report or label.

  • Sample
    Displays a sample of the selected font's letter style for both uppercase and lowercase letters.

  • Script
    Lists the available language scripts for a specific font. Pick the one appropriate for the language your computer is set up for.

See Also

Browse Window | Edit Window | Fonts Overview | FontBold, FontItalic, FontStrikethru, FontUnderline Properties | Adding Reports and Labels