
Utilities and Resources for Enhancing Accessibility

Microsoft and other organizations provide products, services, and resources that make it easier to use personal computers. The following list includes some of the different types of available products:

  • Programs that enlarge or alter the color of information on the screen
  • Programs that describe information on the screen in Braille or synthesized speech
  • Hardware and software utilities that modify the behavior of the mouse and keyboard
  • Programs that make it possible for people to "type" using a mouse or their voice
  • Word or phrase prediction software that makes it possible for people to type more quickly and with fewer keystrokes
  • Alternate input devices, such as single switch or puff-and-sip devices

Microsoft Active Accessibility

Visual FoxPro supports Microsoft Active Accessibility, which is a COM-based Windows developer technology that allows programs and the operating system to work more compatibly with accessibility aids, for example, screen readers such as Microsoft Magnifier. For more information about Microsoft Active Accessibility, visit MSDN at https://msdn.microsoft.com.

Additional Microsoft Products and Services for People with Disabilities

For more information, contact:

Microsoft Sales Information Center
One Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052-6393
World Wide Web:
Voice telephone:
Teletypewriter (TTY):
(800) 426-9400
(800) 892-5234

Directories of Computer Products That Help People with Disabilities

The Trace R&D Center at the University of Wisconsin–Madison produces a book and a compact disc describing products that help people with disabilities use computers. The book, titled Trace ResourceBook, provides descriptions and photographs of about 2,000 products. The compact disc, titled CO-NET CD, provides a database of more than 18,000 products and other information for people with disabilities. It is issued twice a year.

To obtain these directories, contact:

Trace R&D Center
University of Wisconsin
S-151 Waisman Center
1500 Highland Avenue
Madison, WI 53705-2280
World Wide Web:
(608) 262-8848

Referrals to Assistive Technology Programs and Trained Evaluators

For general information and recommendations on how computers can help specific requirements, you should consult a trained evaluator. An assistive technology program in your area will provide referrals to programs and services that are available to you.

To locate the assistive technology program nearest you, contact:

National Information System
University of South Carolina
Center for Developmental Disabilities
Columbia, SC 29208
Voice/text telephone:
(803) 935-5231
(803) 935-5059

See Also

Accessibility for People with Disabilities | Customizing Microsoft Windows for Accessibility | Customizing Visual FoxPro for Accessibility | Microsoft Documentation in Alternative Formats