
InsertCmdDataSourceType Property

Specifies the data source type of the data source in the InsertCmdDataSource property. Read/write at design time and run time.

CursorAdapter.InsertCmdDataSourceType [= cDataSourceType]

Property Values

  • cDataSourceType
    Character data type. The cDataSourceType parameter specifies the data source type of the data source in the InsertCmdDataSource property.


If InsertCmdDataSourceType is empty ("") or null (.NULL.), Visual FoxPro disregards the CursorAdapterInsertCmdDataSource property and uses the CursorAdapterDataSource and DataSourceType properties.

To generate an XML UpdateGram, you must set the value of InsertCmdDataSourceType to "XML".

See Also

Properties | CursorAdapter Object Properties, Methods, and Events | UpdateGram Property

Applies To: CursorAdapter Class