
Enhanced Commands, Functions, and Classes

The following table lists Visual FoxPro commands and functions in which the effectiveness or the behavior is changed in Visual FoxPro. The list also includes extensions to the Visual FoxPro language that provide behavior and functionality comparable to Visual Basic and Visual C++.

Commands and System Variables

Language element Description of change
_DBLCLICK System Variable Supports only Mouse property settings for the double-clicking interval in Windows. Incremental search interval is now set by _ INCSEEK.
_SCREEN System Variable Supports Left, Width, Height, Top, and hWnd properties only for a client window.
_VFP System Variable Supports Left, Width, Height, Top, and hWnd properties only for the main Visual FoxPro window.
BLANK Command
PACK Command
RECALL Command
Supports specifying a work area or table alias outside the current work area through the IN clause.
BROWSE Command Supports the NOCAPTIONS clause.


CLEAR DLLS Command Supports specific function clearance through the cAliasNameList parameter.
DECLARE - DLL Command Supports OBJECT as a cFunctionType.
DEFINE BAR Command Enables you to add an existing picture to a menu bar.
DEFINE CLASS Command Supports strong typing through the AS clause and COM interface implementation through the IMPLEMENTS clause.
Supports opening INCLUDE files with "?".

Supports opening a Visual FoxPro Designer and continuing the program through the NOWAIT clause.

REPORT Command Provides a form name to the Printer Spooler dialog box.
SELECT - SQL Command Provides updateable temporary cursors through the INTO CURSOR READWRITE clause.
SET REPROCESS Command Supports access to the system data session for opening database (DBC) files.
TEXT ... ENDTEXT Command

Supports TO, ADDITIVE, and TEXTMERGE clauses to enable HTML inclusion in secure code.
Supports MEMVAR clause for passing variables that reference delimited statements.
USE Command Supports passing connection parameters to remote views through the CONNSTRING clause.
VALIDATE DATABASE Command Supports the RECOVER clause within programs.


Language element Description of change
ADIR( ) Function Supports display of correct case in listing.
ALINES( ) Function Supports specifying the parsing character through the cParseChar clause.
AMEMBERS( ) Function Supports COM as well as Visual FoxPro objects, with a new parameter, cFlags, for specifying filter options.
ANETRESOURCES( ) Function Supports reporting of domain resources.
ASCAN( ) Function Supports limiting the search to a specific column through the nSearchColumn parameter and case-sensitivity and exactness settings through the nFlags parameter.
ASORT( ) Function Supports specifying case-sensitivity through the nFlags parameter.
BITAND( ) Function, BITOR( ) Function, BITXOR( ) Function Supports comparing more than two parameters.
COMARRAY( ) Function Supports fixing of array size.
COMCLASSINFO( ) Function Supports object type identification in nInfoType parameter.
CREATEOBJECTEX( ) Function Supports early binding.
CTOT( ) Function Supports XML-style dates as returned from SQL Server 2000 queries.
DISKSPACE( ) Function Supports specifying the type of disk space to evaluate.
GETDIR( ) Function Supports Windows enhancements through additional parameters.
GETFONT( ) Function Supports language scripts through nFontCharSet parameter.
GETNEXTMODIFIED( ) Function Suppresses the firing of field and record rules.
GETOBJECT( ) Function Supports the IMoniker interface.
ISREADONLY( ) Function Supports a currently open database.
MESSAGEBOX( ) Function Supports automatic TRANSFORM of non-character values and the nTimeout clause.
OS( ) Function Supports the full functionality of the GetVersionEx( ) API.
SET("CENTURY") Function Supports Windows 98, Windows Me, and Windows 2000 rollover year Regional Setting.
SET("TEXTMERGE") Function Supports expanded functionality of SET TEXTMERGE and TEXT ENDTEXT by providing second, third, and fourth parameters.
STRCONV( ) Function Supports UNICODE and UTF-8 text conversions.
STRTRAN( ) Function Supports the case-sensitivity setting through the nFlags parameter.
STRTOFILE( ) Function Opens files SHARED. Supports Unicode and UTF-8 marks.
SYS(3054) Function Supports printout and storage of SQL statements through new flags and the cMemVar parameter.


Language element Description of change
Activate Event Applies to projecthooks also.
Deactivate Event Applies to projecthooks also.
Objects Collection Applies to CommandGroup, DataEnvironment, Grid, PageFrame, and OptionGroup also.
SpecialEffect Property Supports hot tracking for CommandButtons, graphical CheckBox, and graphical OptionButton.
Style Property Applies to the separator class also (used with Toolbars).
WordWrap Property Applies to Grid Column Header also.

See Also

Visual FoxPro Language Enhancements | New Commands, Functions, and Classes | Language Reference