
SYS(12) - Available Memory in Bytes

Returns the amount of memory below 640K that is available to execute an external program.


Return Values



In Visual FoxPro, SYS(12) always returns 655,360.

SYS(12) is similar to MEMORY( ), with two exceptions:

  • SYS(12) returns the amount of available memory in bytes. MEMORY( ) returns available memory in kilobytes.
  • SYS(12) returns a character string. MEMORY( ) returns a numeric value.

See Also

MEMORY( ) | RUN | ! | SYS( ) Functions Overview | SYS(23) - FoxPro EMS Memory Usage | SYS(24) - EMS Memory Limit | SYS(1001) - Visual FoxPro Memory | SYS(1016) - User Object Memory Use