
Disks and File Systems Overview

Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Scripting Guide

Not too long ago, the idea of storage management would have been nonsensical to most system administrators. In the early days of the personal computer, very few computers had hard disks and even fewer needed them. Considering that both the operating system and an application could fit on a floppy drive, the primary task in storage management lay in ensuring that there was always a box of floppy disks in the storeroom.

Needless to say, things have changed considerably in the past 15 years or so. Storage management is now one of the more important duties charged to system administrators, administrators who must manage and monitor hundreds, thousands, and maybe even tens of thousands of disk drives, all with different capacities and characteristics. System administrators must deal with multiple file systems; they must ensure that all users have adequate disk space; and they must impose quotas, if necessary, to ensure that users do not exceed their allotted disk space. System administrators must also quickly identify and repair problems with disks or file systems before those problems affect scores of users.

Because storage management is a huge undertaking, Microsoft provides several scripting solutions that make it easier for system administrators to manage disks and file systems throughout an organization. You can use these scripts on computers running Microsoft® Windows® 2000 operating systems.