
Selecting log fields

Updated: February 1, 2011

Applies To: Forefront Threat Management Gateway (TMG)

You can select fields to appear in the Firewall and Web Proxy logs. For logs written to a file in the W3C format, fields that are not selected do not appear in the log. For logs written to a file in the Forefront TMG format, fields that are not selected appear in the log with a dash (-), indicating that they are empty.

The following procedure describes how to select fields to log.

To specify fields to log

  1. In the Forefront TMG Management console, in the tree, click the Logs & Reports node.

  2. In the details pane, click the Logging tab.

  3. On the Tasks tab, select the appropriate task:

    • To configure the location of the Firewall log, select Configure Firewall Logging.

    • To configure the location of the Web Proxy log, select Configure Web Proxy Logging.

  4. On the Fields tab, do one of the following:

    • To select specific fields, select the appropriate check box. You should always select the fields Log Data and Log Time. Deselecting these fields may cause an error when you save the settings.

    • To clear all the check boxes in the field list, click Clear All. This setting leaves the Log Data and Log Time fields active.

    • To select all the check boxes in the field list, click Select All.

  5. To select a default set of fields in the Forefront TMG log file, click Restore Defaults.


Configuring Forefront TMG logs