
Enable / Disable the Request Forwarder for Web Sites

The following procedures describe how to enable and disable the request forwarder for Web sites. You can enable Web request forwarding to ensure that client requests are forwarded to appropriate members in a cluster.

When Web request forwarding is enabled, you can choose to enable request forwarding for Web sites using ASP session state only, or for all Web sites. By default, when you enable Web request forwarding, request forwarding is enabled for Web sites using ASP session state only.

To enable the request forwarder

  1. In the Application Center snap-in, right-click the cluster on which to enable the request forwarder, and then on the pop-up menu, click Properties.

  2. In the cluster_name Properties dialog box, click the Request Forwarding tab.

  3. Select the Enable Web request forwarding check box.

  4. Click OK.

To disable the request forwarder

  1. In the Application Center snap-in, right-click the cluster on which to disable the request forwarder, and then on the pop-up menu, click Properties.

  2. In the cluster_name Properties dialog box, click the Request Forwarding tab.

  3. Clear the Enable Web request forwarding check box.

  4. Click OK.

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