
ManagementPackMonitorAlertSettings Members

[This topic is pre-release documentation and is subject to change in future releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]

Represents a management pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackMonitorAlertSettings complex type.

The following tables list the members exposed by the ManagementPackMonitorAlertSettings type.

Public Constructors

  Name Description
  ManagementPackMonitorAlertSettings Initializes a new ManagementPackMonitorAlertSettings object.


Public Properties

  Name Description
public property AlertMessage Gets or sets the alert message string resource.
public property AlertOnState Gets or sets the minimum health state to generate an alert on.
public property AlertParameter1 Gets or sets the value that will substitute {0} in the alert description display string.
public property AlertParameter10 Gets or sets the value that will substitute {9} in the alert description display string.
public property AlertParameter2 Gets or sets the value that will substitute {1} in the alert description display string.
public property AlertParameter3 Gets or sets the value that will substitute {2} in the alert description display string.
public property AlertParameter4 Gets or sets the value that will substitute {3} in the alert description display string.
public property AlertParameter5 Gets or sets the value that will substitute {4} in the alert description display string.
public property AlertParameter6 Gets or sets the value that will substitute {5} in the alert description display string.
public property AlertParameter7 Gets or sets the value that will substitute {6} in the alert description display string.
public property AlertParameter8 Gets or sets the value that will substitute {7} in the alert description display string.
public property AlertParameter9 Gets or sets the value that will substitute {8} in the alert description display string.
public property AlertPriority Gets or sets the priority level of the alert.
public property AlertSeverity Gets or sets the severity level of the alert.
public property AutoResolve Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the alert will be automatically resolved when the monitor returns to a healthy state.


Public Methods

(see also Protected Methods)

  Name Description
public method Equals  (inherited from Object)
public method GetHashCode  (inherited from Object)
public method GetType  (inherited from Object)
public method ToString  (inherited from Object)
public method WriteXml Writes the XML for this element in the specified management pack.


Protected Methods

  Name Description
protected method Finalize  (inherited from Object)
protected method MemberwiseClone  (inherited from Object)


See Also


ManagementPackMonitorAlertSettings Class
Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration Namespace