
Configuration Manager SDK Samples

Applies To: System Center Configuration Manager 2007, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R2, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R3, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP1, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP2

The System Center Configuration Manager 2007 Software Development Kit (SDK) ships with the following sample projects. Each sample has a readme file that explains how the sample works.


When the solution file is opened in Microsoft Visual Studio 2008, an error message might be displayed and the conversion wizard might not appear. To convert the project to a Visual Studio 2008 compatible project, open the project by using the File -> Open Project menu option in the Visual Studio 2008 interactive development environment, which opens the conversion wizard.

Configuration Manager Console Extension

The following samples are in the %Program Files%\Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SDK\Samples\Admin UI folder.

Sample Description


Demonstrates how to create a custom task sequence action control and Managed Object Format (MOF) file.

Dialog Prototype

Contains sample code for creating a new dialog using the Configuration Manager Console Extensions and the Managed Provider interfaces.


Contains the sample extension XML files for adding actions, dialogs, property pages and nodes.

For more information, see Configuration Manager Console Extension.

Desired Configuration Management

The following samples are in the %Program Files%\Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SDK\Samples\DesiredConfigurationManagement folder.

Sample Description


Demonstrates how to assign a configuration baseline to a collection by using an assignment object.


Demonstrates how to create an SMS_ConfigurationItem Server WMI Class from an existing XML definition of a configuration item.

For more information, see Configuration Manager Desired Configuration Management.

Management Point Interface

The following sample is in the %Program Files%\Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SDK\Samples\Management Point API folder.

Sample Description


Contains sample Configuration Manager 2007 message payloads and attachments.

For more information, see Configuration Manager Management Point Interface.

Operating System Deployment

The following samples are in the %Program Files%\Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SDK\Samples\OperatingSystemDeployment folder.

Sample Description


Demonstrates how to work with the task sequencing objects in Configuration Manager 2007.


Demonstrates how to create a boot media that can create a machine record for a system unknown to Configuration Manager, add it to a collection, and set machine and Task Sequence variables.

For more information, see Configuration Manager Operating System Deployment.

Software Updates

The following samples are in the %Program Files%\Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SDK\Samples\Software Updates Management folder.

Sample Description


Sidebar gadget that tracks the compliance status of all deployed software updates on a specified site.


Demonstrates how to create software updates deployments.

For more information, see Configuration Manager Software Updates.

See Also


Configuration Manager Software Updates
Configuration Manager Operating System Deployment
Configuration Manager Management Point Interface
Configuration Manager Desired Configuration Management
Configuration Manager Console Extension
Configuration Manager Programming Fundamentals