
About Desired Configuration Management Extensibility

Applies To: System Center Configuration Manager 2007, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R2, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R3, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP1, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP2

The content in this section provides information about extending the functionality of desired configuration management configuration items in Configuration Manager 2007.


In application configuration items, it is possible to detect applications or settings by using a script.

If the script returns a non-zero exit code, the result will be a discovery failure.

If the script returns a zero exit code, the script output will be evaluated.

It is the echoed output of a script that is detected and evaluated. For example:

  • No echoed output equals no instances detected.

  • "n" lines of output equals "n" instances detected.

In the case of application detection, two lines of output would indicate that two instances of the application are detected.

In the case of settings detection, no lines of output would indicate that no instances of the setting are detected.

In all cases, the evaluation of the script output is determined by the rule.


In the case of settings detection, the script output is cast to the type of setting being detected. If the cast of the script output fails, a discovery failure is returned. For example, a script that reads and returns registry values, passes a set of values back to the rule; however, one value is a string (1, 2, x). If the rule is expecting only integer values back, it will cast all of the values to integers, causing a failure. In this case, the rule returns an evaluation failure.

See Also


Configuration Manager Desired Configuration Management
Script (ScriptInfoType) Element
ScriptBody (ScriptDiscoveryType) Element
ScriptDiscoveryInfo (ApplicationType) Element
ScriptDiscoverySource Element