
Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Monitoring.ClientMonitoring Namespace


Applies To: Operations Manager for System Center 2012


Class Description
System_CAPS_pubclass AemCollectionResponse

Represents an AEM collection response.

System_CAPS_pubclass AemGlobalSettings

Contains AEM global settings.

System_CAPS_pubclass AemSettings

Contains agentless exception monitoring (AEM) settings.

System_CAPS_pubclass AemSolutionResponse

Contains the essential solution response fields that are published to a file share.

System_CAPS_pubclass ClientMonitoringResponseSettings

Allows you to access methods that are used for client monitoring response settings.

System_CAPS_pubclass ClientMonitoringSettings

Contains the client monitoring settings and allows you to enable and disable agentless exception monitoring (AEM).

System_CAPS_pubclass SqmSettings

Contains software quality metrics (SQM) settings. This class cannot be inherited.


Delegate Description
System_CAPS_pubdelegate AemTaskStatusCallback

A delegate used for a callback method that gets called when the status of a task changes.


Enumeration Description
System_CAPS_pubenum AemResponseType

Defines the AEM response types.

System_CAPS_pubenum BucketType

Defines the available bucket types.

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