
Microsoft.SqlServer.XEvent.Linq 命名空間

Contains classes related to reading SQL Server Extended Events files and streaming data.


  類別 說明
公用類別 EventEnumerationException Represents an error that may occur during enumeration from an IEventProvider<T>.
公用類別 EventFileInvalidException The exception that is thrown when an I/O error occurs reading a file.
公用類別 EventFileIOException Represents the exception that is thrown when an I/O error occurs reading a file.
公用類別 EventLocationException Represents an exception that is thrown when a location cannot be found.
公用類別 EventLocator Provides specific event location token.
公用類別 EventStreamException The exception that is thrown when an error is encountered in a streaming source.
公用類別 EventStreamVersionException The exception that is thrown if the event stream is from an incompatible version.
公用類別 PublishedAction An instance of an action from an extended event session. Use this object to obtain action data and metadata about the action object.
公用類別 PublishedEvent An instance of an event from an event source. Use this object to obtain field and action data as well as metadata about the event object.
公用類別 PublishedEvent.ActionList Represents an array of actions containing the native data of the published action.
公用類別 PublishedEvent.FieldList Exposes an enumerator over the event fields.
公用類別 PublishedEventField Represents an instance of an event field. This object holds the data for the event column
公用類別 QueryableXEventData Represents the main entry point for querying extended events data sources.
公用類別 TypeNotMappedException The exception that is thrown when an event object contains a data type that the QueryableXEvent cannot translate.
公用類別 XEventException The exception that is thrown for the QueryableXEvent sources.
公用類別 XEventFileSerializer Represents the serialize events from PublishedEvent object into file.


  介面 說明
公用介面 IEventProvider<T> Defines methods to enumerate, retrieve and locate published event data.
公用介面 IEventSerializer Serializes PublishedEvent objects into extended event files.


  列舉 說明
公用列舉 EventStreamCacheOptions One of the enumeration values that specifies the cache options of the event stream.
公用列舉 EventStreamSourceOptions Specifies the options for the source of the event stream.