
StatisticCollection 成員

The StatisticCollection class represents a collection of Statistic objects that represent all the statistic counters defined on the table or view.

StatisticCollection 型別公開下列成員。


  名稱 描述
公用方法 Add Adds a Statistic object to the StatisticCollection collection.
受保護的方法 AddExisting Adds an object to the collection. (繼承自 AbstractCollectionBase。)
受保護的方法 AddImpl Adds the specified object to this collection (繼承自 SortedListCollectionBase。)
公用方法 Contains Verifies whether the specified object exists in the collection. (繼承自 SimpleObjectCollectionBase。)
公用方法 CopyTo Copies the collection objects to a one-dimensional array beginning at the index value specified.
公用方法 Equals (繼承自 Object。)
受保護的方法 Finalize (繼承自 Object。)
受保護的方法 GetCollectionElementType Gets the Collection Element Type. (繼承自 SmoCollectionBase。)
公用方法 GetEnumerator Returns an IEnumerator interface that allows you to iterate through the objects in the collection. (繼承自 SmoCollectionBase。)
公用方法 GetHashCode (繼承自 Object。)
受保護的方法 GetItemById(Int32) Extracts a member from the referenced collection using a system-defined, unique identifier. (繼承自 SmoCollectionBase。)
受保護的方法 GetItemById(Int32, String) Extracts a member from the referenced collection using a system-defined, unique identifier and name. (繼承自 SmoCollectionBase。)
受保護的方法 GetObjectByIndex Extracts a member from the referenced collection using a system-defined, unique identifier. (繼承自 SmoCollectionBase。)
公用方法 GetType (繼承自 Object。)
受保護的方法 ImplAddExisting Adds an existing specified object to this collection (繼承自 SortedListCollectionBase。)
受保護的方法 InitializeChildCollection() () () () Initializes the child collections of the referenced collection. (繼承自 SmoCollectionBase。)
受保護的方法 InitializeChildCollection(Boolean) Initializes the child collections of the referenced collection with the option to refresh the properties of the referenced collection. (繼承自 SmoCollectionBase。)
受保護的方法 InitInnerCollection Initializes the collection. (繼承自 SimpleObjectCollectionBase。)
公用方法 ItemById Extracts a member from the StatisticCollection collection using a system-defined, unique identifier.
受保護的方法 MemberwiseClone (繼承自 Object。)
公用方法 Refresh() () () () Refreshes the referenced collection. (繼承自 SmoCollectionBase。)
公用方法 Refresh(Boolean) Refreshes the referenced collection with the option to refresh child objects of the referenced collection. (繼承自 SmoCollectionBase。)
公用方法 Remove(String) Removes a Statistic object from the StatisticCollection object.
公用方法 Remove(Statistic) Removes a Statistic object from the StatisticCollection object.
公用方法 ToString (繼承自 Object。)
受保護的方法 ValidateParentObject Validates the parent object exists. (繼承自 SmoCollectionBase。)



  名稱 描述
受保護的欄位 initialized This value supports the SMO infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. (繼承自 AbstractCollectionBase。)



  名稱 描述
公用屬性 Count Gets the number of objects in the referenced collection. (繼承自 SmoCollectionBase。)
公用屬性 IsSynchronized Gets the Boolean property value that specifies whether access to the collection is synchronized and therefore thread-safe. (繼承自 SmoCollectionBase。)
公用屬性 Item[ ( [ ( Int32] ) ] ) Gets a Statistic object in the collection by index number.
公用屬性 Item[ ( [ ( String] ) ] ) Gets a Statistic object in the collection by name.
公用屬性 Parent Gets the SqlSmoObject object that is the parent of the Statistic object.
公用屬性 SyncRoot Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. (繼承自 SmoCollectionBase。)



  名稱 描述
明確介面實作私用方法 ICollection. . :: . .CopyTo Copies the elements from an instance to an array beginning at the index indicated. (繼承自 SmoCollectionBase。)
