
Hierarchy 成員

Represents a dimension hierarchy contained by a dimension or set.

Hierarchy 型別公開下列成員。


  名稱 描述
公用方法 Equals Determines whether two instances of Hierarchy are equal. (覆寫 Object. . :: . .Equals(Object)。)
受保護的方法 Finalize (繼承自 Object。)
公用方法 GetHashCode Serves as a hash function for a particular type, for use in hashing algorithms and data structures such as hash tables. (覆寫 Object. . :: . .GetHashCode() () () ()。)
公用方法 GetType (繼承自 Object。)
受保護的方法 MemberwiseClone (繼承自 Object。)
公用方法 ToString Returns a String that represents the current Hierarchy. (覆寫 Object. . :: . .ToString() () () ()。)



  名稱 描述
公用運算子靜態成員 Equality Determines whether two specified instances of Hierarchy are equal.
公用運算子靜態成員 Inequality Determines whether two specified instances of Hierarchy have different values.



  名稱 描述
公用屬性 Caption Gets the caption of the Hierarchy.
公用屬性 DefaultMember Gets the unique name of the default member for the Hierarchy.
公用屬性 Description Gets the description of the Hierarchy.
公用屬性 DisplayFolder This member is reserved for future use.
公用屬性 HierarchyOrigin Gets the hierarchy type of the Hierarchy.
公用屬性 Levels Gets a LevelCollection that contains the levels of the Hierarchy.
公用屬性 Name Gets the name of the Hierarchy.
公用屬性 ParentDimension Gets a Dimension that contains the Hierarchy.
公用屬性 Properties Gets a PropertyCollection that contains the properties associated with the Hierarchy.
公用屬性 UniqueName Gets the unique name of the Hierarchy.
