以指令碼工作蒐集 ForEach 迴圈的清單
Foreach from Variable 列舉值透過以變數傳遞給它的清單中之項目來列舉,並針對每個項目執行相同的工作。您可以在指令碼工作中使用自訂程式碼,針對此目的填入清單。如需有關列舉值的詳細資訊,請參閱<Foreach 迴圈容器>。
下列範例使用 System.IO 命名空間的方法,蒐集電腦上的 Excel 活頁簿清單,這些活頁簿比使用者在變數中所指定的天數還要新或是還要舊。它會在磁碟 C 上以遞迴方式搜尋目錄中有 .xls 副檔名的檔案,並檢查檔案最後修改的日期,以判斷檔案是否應歸屬於清單中。它會將符合的檔案加入 ArrayList,並將 ArrayList 儲存到變數,以供稍後使用於 Foreach 迴圈容器。Foreach Loop 容器是設定為從 Variable 列舉值使用 Foreach。
從 Variable 列舉值與 Foreach 搭配使用的變數必須是 Object 類型。您放置在變數中的物件,必須實作下列其中一個介面:System.Collections.IEnumerable, System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IEnumVARIANT、System.ComponentModel IListSource 或 Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper.ForEachEnumeratorHost。常用的是 Array 或 ArrayList。ArrayList 需要參考以及 System.Collections 命名空間的 Imports 陳述式。
您可以透過為 FileAge 封裝變數使用不同的正值與負值,來試驗這項工作。例如,您可以輸入 5 以搜尋在過去五天內建立的檔案,或是輸入 3 搜尋已建立超過三天的檔案。這項工作可能需要花費一兩分鐘,以搜尋磁碟機上的許多資料夾。
建立名為 FileAge 且類型為整數的封裝孌數,並輸入正整數值或負整數值。當值為正數時,程式碼會搜尋比指定天數還要新的檔案,當值為負數時,會搜尋比指定的天數還要舊的檔案。
建立類型為 Object 且名為 FileList 的變數,以接收指令碼工作蒐集的檔案清單,以便稍後供 Variable 列舉值的 Foreach 使用。
將 FileAge 變數加入指令碼工作的 ReadOnlyVariables 屬性,然後將 FileList 變數加入 ReadWriteVariables 屬性。
在您的程式碼中,匯入 System.Collections 與 System.IO 命名空間。
Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Math
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.IO
Public Class ScriptMain
Private Const FILE_AGE As Integer = -50
Private Const FILE_ROOT As String = "C:\"
Private Const FILE_FILTER As String = "*.xls"
Private isCheckForNewer As Boolean = True
Dim fileAgeLimit As Integer
Private listForEnumerator As ArrayList
Public Sub Main()
fileAgeLimit = DirectCast(Dts.Variables("FileAge").Value, Integer)
' If value provided is positive, we want files NEWER THAN n days.
' If negative, we want files OLDER THAN n days.
If fileAgeLimit < 0 Then
isCheckForNewer = False
End If
' Extract number of days as positive integer.
fileAgeLimit = Math.Abs(fileAgeLimit)
listForEnumerator = New ArrayList
' Return the list of files to the variable
' for later use by the Foreach from Variable enumerator.
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Matching files: " & listForEnumerator.Count.ToString, "Results", Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Information)
Dts.Variables("FileList").Value = listForEnumerator
Dts.TaskResult = ScriptResults.Success
End Sub
Private Sub GetFilesInFolder(ByVal folderPath As String)
Dim localFiles() As String
Dim localFile As String
Dim fileChangeDate As Date
Dim fileAge As TimeSpan
Dim fileAgeInDays As Integer
Dim childFolder As String
localFiles = Directory.GetFiles(folderPath, FILE_FILTER)
For Each localFile In localFiles
fileChangeDate = File.GetLastWriteTime(localFile)
fileAge = DateTime.Now.Subtract(fileChangeDate)
fileAgeInDays = fileAge.Days
CheckAgeOfFile(localFile, fileAgeInDays)
If Directory.GetDirectories(folderPath).Length > 0 Then
For Each childFolder In Directory.GetDirectories(folderPath)
End If
' Ignore exceptions on special folders such as System Volume Information.
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub CheckAgeOfFile(ByVal localFile As String, ByVal fileAgeInDays As Integer)
If isCheckForNewer Then
If fileAgeInDays <= fileAgeLimit Then
End If
If fileAgeInDays > fileAgeLimit Then
End If
End If
End Sub
End Class
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Math;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
public partial class ScriptMain : Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.ScriptTask.VSTARTScriptObjectModelBase
private const int FILE_AGE = -50;
private const string FILE_ROOT = "C:\\";
private const string FILE_FILTER = "*.xls";
private bool isCheckForNewer = true;
int fileAgeLimit;
private ArrayList listForEnumerator;
public void Main()
fileAgeLimit = (int)(Dts.Variables["FileAge"].Value);
// If value provided is positive, we want files NEWER THAN n days.
// If negative, we want files OLDER THAN n days.
if (fileAgeLimit<0)
isCheckForNewer = false;
// Extract number of days as positive integer.
fileAgeLimit = Math.Abs(fileAgeLimit);
ArrayList listForEnumerator = new ArrayList();
// Return the list of files to the variable
// for later use by the Foreach from Variable enumerator.
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Matching files: "+ listForEnumerator.Count, "Results",
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
Dts.Variables["FileList"].Value = listForEnumerator;
Dts.TaskResult = (int)ScriptResults.Success;
private void GetFilesInFolder(string folderPath)
string[] localFiles;
DateTime fileChangeDate;
TimeSpan fileAge;
int fileAgeInDays;
localFiles = Directory.GetFiles(folderPath, FILE_FILTER);
foreach (string localFile in localFiles)
fileChangeDate = File.GetLastWriteTime(localFile);
fileAge = DateTime.Now.Subtract(fileChangeDate);
fileAgeInDays = fileAge.Days;
CheckAgeOfFile(localFile, fileAgeInDays);
if (Directory.GetDirectories(folderPath).Length > 0)
foreach (string childFolder in Directory.GetDirectories(folderPath))
// Ignore exceptions on special folders, such as System Volume Information.
private void CheckAgeOfFile(string localFile, int fileAgeInDays)
if (isCheckForNewer)
if (fileAgeInDays <= fileAgeLimit)
if (fileAgeInDays > fileAgeLimit)