GetAgentsStatus2 Method (Distributor2)
未來的 Microsoft SQL Server 版本將移除這項功能。請避免在新的開發工作中使用這項功能,並規劃修改目前使用這項功能的應用程式。
The GetAgentsStatus2 method returns a high level report of execution state for replication agents at a Distributor.
Expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list.ReplAgentType
Long integer that specifies a type of replication agent as described in Settings.fExcludeAnonymous
Boolean that specifies whether anonymous replication agents are enumerated. Default is FALSE.pRetValStatus
Enumerated long value returned.pRetValTimeStamp
String value returned.
Prototype (C/C++)
HRESULT GetAgentsStatus2(
BOOL fExcludeAnonymous,
SQLDMO_LPBSTR pRetValTimeStamp);
Set the AgentType argument using these SQLDMO_REPLAGENT_TYPE values.
Constant |
Value |
Description |
SQLDMOReplAgent_All |
0 |
All replication agent types. |
SQLDMOReplAgent_/Distribution |
3 |
Distribution Agent. |
SQLDMOReplAgent_LogReader |
2 |
Replication transaction Log Reader Agent. |
SQLDMOReplAgent_Merge |
4 |
Merge Agent. |
SQLDMOReplAgent_/Miscellaneous |
5 |
Agents not otherwise classified. |
SQLDMOReplAgent_/Publishers |
-1 |
Agents supporting publishers. |
SQLDMOReplAgent_/QueueReader |
9 |
Replication Queue Reader Agent. |
SQLDMOReplAgent_Snapshot |
1 |
Snapshot Agent. |
Interpret the value returned in the ReturnedStatus argument using these SQLDMO_TASKSTATUS_TYPE values.
Constant |
Value |
Description |
SQLDMOTask_Failed |
6 |
At least one agent-implementing job has failed to execute successfully. |
SQLDMOTask_Idle |
4 |
All agent-implementing jobs are scheduled and idle. |
SQLDMOTask_Pending |
0 |
All agent-implementing jobs are waiting to start. |
SQLDMOTask_Retry |
5 |
At least one agent-implementing job is attempting to execute after a previous failure. |
SQLDMOTask_Running |
3 |
At least one agent-implementing job is executing. |
SQLDMOTask_Starting |
1 |
One or more agent-implementing jobs are starting. |
SQLDMOTask_Succeeded |
2 |
All agent-implementing jobs have executed successfully. |
The TimeStamp argument returns a timestamp(binary) value as a hexadecimal character string.
The GetAgentsStatus2 method extends the functionality of the GetAgentsStatus method by including the optional fExcludeAnonymous parameter. When fExcludeAnonymous is set to TRUE, anonymous replication agents are not enumerated.
When using Microsoft Visual Basic as a SQL Distributed Management Objects (SQL-DMO) application development environment, use the subroutine call statement syntax to execute the GetAgentsStatus method successfully.
If an application calls GetAgentsStatus2 on an instance of SQL Server version 7.0, the constant, SQLDMO_E_SQL80ONLY, and the message "This property or method requires Microsoft SQL Server 2000 or later" are returned.