
CubeDef 類別

Represents the metadata for a cube.


System. . :: . .Object

命名空間:  Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdServer
組件:  msmgdsrv (在 msmgdsrv.dll 中)


Public NotInheritable Class CubeDef _
    Implements IDisposable, IMetadataObject
Dim instance As CubeDef
public sealed class CubeDef : IDisposable, 
public ref class CubeDef sealed : IDisposable, 
type CubeDef =  
        interface IDisposable
        interface IMetadataObject
public final class CubeDef implements IDisposable, IMetadataObject

CubeDef 型別公開下列成員。


  名稱 說明
公用屬性 Caption Gets the caption of the CubeDef.
公用屬性 Description Gets the description of the CubeDef.
公用屬性 Dimensions Gets an instance of the DimensionCollection class that contains the dimensions for the CubeDef class.
公用屬性 Kpis Gets the Kpis associated with the CubeDef. This member is not supported for versions of Analysis Services earlier than Microsoft SSQL Server 2005 Analysis Services (SSAS).
公用屬性 LastProcessed Gets the date and time on which the CubeDef was last processed.
公用屬性 LastUpdated Gets the date and time on which the CubeDef was last updated.
公用屬性 Measures Gets an instance of the MeasureCollection class that contains the measures for the CubeDef.
公用屬性 Name Gets the name of the CubeDef.
公用屬性 NamedSets Gets an instance of the NamedSetCollection class that contains the named sets for the CubeDef.
公用屬性 Properties Gets an instance of a PropertyCollection class that contains the properties associated with the CubeDef.
公用屬性 Type Returns the CubeType()()()() of the cube, if supported by the provider.
公用屬性 UniqueName



  名稱 說明
公用方法 {dtor} Releases all resources used by the CubeDef.
公用方法 Dispose Releases all resources used by the CubeDef.
公用方法 Equals (繼承自 Object。)
受保護的方法 Finalize (繼承自 Object。)
公用方法 GetHashCode (繼承自 Object。)
公用方法 GetSchemaObject Returns an object associated with the CubeDef from a specified schema rowset.
公用方法 GetType (繼承自 Object。)
受保護的方法 MemberwiseClone (繼承自 Object。)
公用方法 ToString (繼承自 Object。)



In Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services (SSAS), a cube is a collection of measures and dimensions.

In ADOMD.NET, the CubeDef represents only the metadata of a cube. You cannot retrieve cell data from a CubeDef; instead, this object provides a mechanism for retrieving metadata about a given cube as well as its dimensions, measures, and named sets for a client application.


這個型別的任何公用 static (在 Visual Basic 中為 Shared) 成員都是執行緒安全的。並不是所有的執行個體成員都保證可以用於所有的執行緒。