ClassType (Command Interface)
下一版的 Microsoft SQL Server 將不再提供此功能。請勿在新的開發工作中使用此功能,並且儘速修改使用此功能的應用程式。
The ClassType property of the Command interface contains an enumeration constant that identifies the class designation in the Decision Support Objects (DSO) object model.
Applies To:clsCubeCommandclsDatabaseCommand, clsRoleCommand
Use the following code to return the class type of a command object and determine which object class has been returned:
'Assume an object (dsoCommand) of ClassType clsCommand exists.
Dim enuClassType As DSO.ClassTypes
enuClassType = dsoCommand.ClassType
Select Case enuClassType
Case clsDatabaseCommand
' Insert code for a database command.
Case clsCubeCommand
' Insert code for a cube command.
Case clsRoleCommand
' Insert code for a role command
Case Else
' Insert code for when this is not a command object.
End Select