
ChartInstance 類別

Represents an instance type of the Chart class and contains the calculated values of the properties in Chart.

命名空間:  Microsoft.ReportingServices.OnDemandReportRendering
組件:  Microsoft.ReportingServices.ProcessingCore (在 Microsoft.ReportingServices.ProcessingCore.dll 中)


Public NotInheritable Class ChartInstance _
    Inherits DynamicImageInstance _
    Implements IDynamicImageInstance
Dim instance As ChartInstance
public sealed class ChartInstance : DynamicImageInstance, 
public ref class ChartInstance sealed : public DynamicImageInstance, 
type ChartInstance =  
        inherit DynamicImageInstance
        interface IDynamicImageInstance
public final class ChartInstance extends DynamicImageInstance implements IDynamicImageInstance

ChartInstance 型別公開下列成員。


  名稱 說明
公用屬性 Bookmark Gets the calculated value of the Bookmark property in a ReportItem class. (繼承自 ReportItemInstance。)
公用屬性 DocumentMapLabel Gets the calculated value of the DocumentMapLabel property in a ReportItem class. (繼承自 ReportItemInstance。)
公用屬性 DynamicHeight Gets the calculated value of the DynamicHeight property in a Chart class.
公用屬性 DynamicWidth Gets the calculated value of the DynamicWidth property in a Chart class.
受保護的屬性 HeightInPixels 基礎結構。 (繼承自 DynamicImageInstance。)
公用屬性 NoRows Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether this DataRegionInstance contains any data rows. (繼承自 DataRegionInstance。)
公用屬性 NoRowsMessage Gets the calculated value of the NoRowsMessage property in a DataRegion class. (繼承自 DataRegionInstance。)
公用屬性 PageName Gets the calculated value of the PageName property in a DataRegion class. (繼承自 DataRegionInstance。)
公用屬性 Palette Gets the calculated value of the Palette property in a Chart class.
公用屬性 PaletteHatchBehavior Gets the calculated value of the PaletteHatchBehavior property in a Chart class.
公用屬性 Style Gets the calculated value of the Style property in a ReportElement class. (繼承自 ReportElementInstance。)
公用屬性 ToolTip Gets the calculated value of the ToolTip property in a ReportItem class. (繼承自 ReportItemInstance。)
公用屬性 UniqueName Gets the unique identifier of this instance object. (繼承自 ReportItemInstance。)
公用屬性 Visibility Gets the calculated value of the Visibility property in a DataRegion class. (繼承自 DataRegionInstance。)
受保護的屬性 WidthInPixels 基礎結構。 (繼承自 DynamicImageInstance。)



  名稱 說明
受保護的方法 CreateExceptionImage 基礎結構。 (繼承自 DynamicImageInstance。)
公用方法 Equals (繼承自 Object。)
受保護的方法 Finalize (繼承自 Object。)
公用方法 GetCoreXml 基礎結構。
公用方法 GetHashCode (繼承自 Object。)
公用方法 GetImage() () () () Returns the image of the current instance. (繼承自 DynamicImageInstance。)
公用方法 GetImage(ActionInfoWithDynamicImageMapCollection%) Returns the image of the current instance and its accompanying ActionInfoWithDynamicImageMapCollection. (繼承自 DynamicImageInstance。)
公用方法 GetImage(DynamicImageInstance. . :: . .ImageType) Returns the image of the current instance by specifying the type of the rendered image. (繼承自 DynamicImageInstance。)
公用方法 GetImage(DynamicImageInstance. . :: . .ImageType, ActionInfoWithDynamicImageMapCollection%) Returns the chart as an image of a specified type along with its image map. (覆寫 DynamicImageInstance. . :: . .GetImage(DynamicImageInstance. . :: . .ImageType, ActionInfoWithDynamicImageMapCollection%)。)
受保護的方法 GetImage(DynamicImageInstance. . :: . .ImageType, Boolean%) Returns the image of the current instance by specifying the type of the rendered image and gets a boolean value indicating wether the image has an associated image map. (繼承自 DynamicImageInstance。)
受保護的方法 GetImage(DynamicImageInstance. . :: . .ImageType, ActionInfoWithDynamicImageMapCollection%, Stream%) 基礎結構。 (繼承自 DynamicImageInstance。)
公用方法 GetType (繼承自 Object。)
受保護的方法 MemberwiseClone (繼承自 Object。)
受保護的方法 ResetInstanceCache 基礎結構。 (繼承自 ReportItemInstance。)
公用方法 SetDpi Sets the dot-per-inch (DPI) to be used for generating the chart image. (覆寫 DynamicImageInstance. . :: . .SetDpi(Int32, Int32)。)
公用方法 ToString (繼承自 Object。)



  名稱 說明
受保護的欄位 m_dpiX 基礎結構。 (繼承自 DynamicImageInstance。)
受保護的欄位 m_dpiY 基礎結構。 (繼承自 DynamicImageInstance。)
受保護的欄位 m_reportElementDef 基礎結構。 (繼承自 ReportElementInstance。)
受保護的欄位 m_style 基礎結構。 (繼承自 ReportElementInstance。)
受保護的欄位 m_uniqueName 基礎結構。 (繼承自 ReportItemInstance。)
受保護的欄位 m_visibility 基礎結構。 (繼承自 ReportItemInstance。)



這個型別的任何公用 static (在 Visual Basic 中為 Shared) 成員都是執行緒安全的。並不是所有的執行個體成員都保證可以用於所有的執行緒。