
Operators 列舉

Represents available logical operators.

命名空間:  Microsoft.ReportingServices.RdlObjectModel
組件:  Microsoft.ReportingServices.Designer.Controls (在 Microsoft.ReportingServices.Designer.Controls.dll 中)


Public Enumeration Operators
Dim instance As Operators
public enum Operators
public enum class Operators
type Operators
public enum Operators


成員名稱 說明
Equal Equal operator.
Like Pattern searching operator.
NotEqual Not-equal operator.
GreaterThan Greater-than operator.
GreaterThanOrEqual Greater-than-or-euqal operator.
LessThan Less-than operator.
LessThanOrEqual Less-than-or-equal operator.
TopN The top N values.
BottomN The bottom N values.
TopPercent The top N percentage.
BottomPercent The bottom N percentage.
In Multiple match operator.
Between Between two values.