
IQueryDesigner 介面

Represents a custom query designer in the Report Designer in Business Intelligence Development Studio.

命名空間:  Microsoft.ReportingServices.Interfaces
組件:  Microsoft.ReportingServices.QueryDesigners (在 Microsoft.ReportingServices.QueryDesigners.dll 中)


Public Interface IQueryDesigner _
    Inherits IDisposable, IExtension
Dim instance As IQueryDesigner
public interface IQueryDesigner : IDisposable, 
public interface class IQueryDesigner : IDisposable, 
type IQueryDesigner =  
        interface IDisposable
        interface IExtension
public interface IQueryDesigner extends IDisposable, IExtension

IQueryDesigner 型別公開下列成員。


  名稱 說明
公用屬性 Command Used by the Report Designer in Business Intelligence Development Studio to pass a database command to the IQueryDesigner when it is initialized.
公用屬性 Connection Used by the Report Designer in Business Intelligence Development Studio to pass a database connection to the IQueryDesigner when it is initialized.
公用屬性 LocalizedName Gets the localized name of the extension to be displayed in a user interface. (繼承自 IExtension。)
公用屬性 QueryDesigner The control to use for the query designer interface in Report Manager or Report Builder.
公用屬性 ServiceProvider Used by the Report Designer in Business Intelligence Development Studio to pass a service provider to the IQueryDesigner to provide services to it.
公用屬性 ToolBar The toolbar to use for the designer interface.



  名稱 說明
公用方法 Dispose (繼承自 IDisposable。)
公用方法 InitializeQueryDesigner Initializes the IQueryDesigner after setting input parameters.
公用方法 OnActivateView Notifies the control that the view has been activated.
公用方法 OnDeactivateView Notifies the control that the view has been deactivated.
公用方法 SetConfiguration Used to pass custom configuration data to an extension. (繼承自 IExtension。)



  名稱 說明
公用事件 EnableAltDesignerChanged Represents the event that indicates when the generic query designer is enabled or disabled.
