如何:使用記憶體中的所有值以 TVP 傳送資料 (ODBC)
此程序假設已在伺服器上執行下列 Transact-SQL:
create type TVParam as table(ProdCode integer, Qty integer)
create procedure TVPOrderEntry(@CustCode varchar(5), @Items TVPParam,
@OrdNo integer output, @OrdDate datetime output)
set @OrdDate = GETDATE();
insert into TVPOrd (OrdDate, CustCode)
values (@OrdDate, @CustCode) output OrdNo);
select @OrdNo = SCOPE_IDENTITY();
insert into TVPItem (OrdNo, ProdCode, Qty)
select @OrdNo, @Items.ProdCode, @Items.Qty
from @Items
宣告 SQL 參數的變數。在此情況下,資料表值會完整保留在記憶體中,因此會將資料表值資料行的值宣告為陣列。
SQLRETURN r; // Variables for SQL parameters. #define ITEM_ARRAY_SIZE 20 SQLCHAR CustCode[6]; SQLCHAR *TVP = (SQLCHAR *) "TVParam"; SQLINTEGER ProdCode[ITEM_ARRAY_SIZE], Qty[ITEM_ARRAY_SIZE]; SQLINTEGER OrdNo; char OrdDate[23]; // Variables for indicator/length variables associated with parameters. SQLLEN cbCustCode, cbTVP, cbProdCode[ITEM_ARRAY_SIZE], cbQty[ITEM_ARRAY_SIZE], cbOrdNo, cbOrdDate;
繫結參數。使用資料表值參數時,繫結參數是一個兩個階段的程序。在第一個階段中,預存程序的 step 參數會以正常的方式繫結,如下所示。
// Bind parameters for call to TVPOrderEntryDirect. // 1 - Custcode input r = SQLBindParameter(hstmt, 1, SQL_PARAM_INPUT,SQL_VARCHAR, SQL_C_CHAR, 5, 0, CustCode, sizeof(CustCode), &cbCustCode); // 2 - Items TVP r = SQLBindParameter(hstmt, 2,// ParameterNumber SQL_PARAM_INPUT,// InputOutputType SQL_C_DEFAULT,// ValueType SQL_SS_TABLE,// Parametertype ITEM_ARRAY_SIZE,// ColumnSize: For a table-valued parameter this is the row array size. 0,// DecimalDigits: For a table-valued parameter this is always 0. TVP,// ParameterValuePtr: For a table-valued parameter this is the type name of the //table-valued parameter, and also a token returned by SQLParamData. SQL_NTS,// BufferLength: For a table-valued parameter this is the length of the type name or SQL_NTS. &cbTVP);// StrLen_or_IndPtr: For a table-valued parameter this is the number of rows actually used. // 3 - OrdNo output r = SQLBindParameter(hstmt, 3, SQL_PARAM_OUTPUT,SQL_INTEGER, SQL_C_LONG, 0, 0, &OrdNo, sizeof(SQLINTEGER), &cbOrdNo); // 4 - OrdDate output r = SQLBindParameter(hstmt, 4, SQL_PARAM_OUTPUT,SQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP, SQL_C_CHAR, 23, 3, &OrdDate, sizeof(OrdDate), &cbOrdDate);
參數繫結的第二個階段是建立資料表值參數的資料行。參數焦點會先設定為資料表值參數的序數。接著,資料表值的資料行會透過 SQLBindParameter,使用與預存程序參數相同的方式,但是使用 ParameterNumber 的資料行序數來繫結。如果有其他資料表值參數,則會輪流將焦點設定為每個資料表值參數,並繫結其資料行。最後,參數焦點就會重設為 0。
// Bind columns for the table-valued parameter (param 2). // First set focus on param 2. r = SQLSetStmtAttr(hstmt, SQL_SOPT_SS_PARAM_FOCUS, (SQLPOINTER) 2, SQL_IS_INTEGER); // Col 1 - ProdCode r = SQLBindParameter(hstmt, 1, SQL_PARAM_INPUT,SQL_INTEGER, SQL_C_LONG, 0, 0, ProdCode, sizeof(SQLINTEGER), cbProdCode); // Col 2 - Qty r = SQLBindParameter(hstmt, 2, SQL_PARAM_INPUT,SQL_INTEGER, SQL_C_LONG, 0, 0, Qty, sizeof(SQLINTEGER), cbQty); // Reset param focus. r = SQLSetStmtAttr(hstmt, SQL_SOPT_SS_PARAM_FOCUS, (SQLPOINTER) 0, SQL_IS_INTEGER);
擴充參數緩衝區。cbTVP 會設定為要傳送到伺服器的資料列數目。
// Populate parameters. cbTVP = 0; // Number of rows available for input. strcpy_s((char *) CustCode, sizeof(CustCode), "CUST1"); cbCustCode = SQL_NTS; ProdCode[cbTVP] = 1215;cbProdCode[cbTVP] = sizeof(SQLINTEGER); Qty[cbTVP] = 5;cbQty[cbTVP] = sizeof(SQLINTEGER); cbTVP++; // Number of rows available for input ProdCode[cbTVP] = 1017;cbProdCode[cbTVP] = sizeof(SQLINTEGER); Qty[cbTVP] = 2;cbQty[cbTVP] = sizeof(SQLINTEGER); cbTVP++; // Number of rows available for input.
// Call the procedure. r = SQLExecDirect(hstmt, (SQLCHAR *) "{call TVPOrderEntry(?, ?, ?, ?)}",SQL_NTS);