EventType Enumeration
The EventType enumeration is a list of constant values that specify the various different types of events supported by Microsoft SQL Server.
命名空間: Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo
組件: Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo (in microsoft.sqlserver.smo.dll)
Public Enumeration EventType
public enum EventType
public enum class EventType
public enum EventType
public enum EventType
Member name | Description |
AddRoleMember | Event that occurs when a member is added to a database role. |
AddServerRoleMember | Event that occurs when a member is added to a server role. |
AlterApplicationRole | Event that occurs when an application role is altered. |
AlterAssembly | Event that occurs when an assembly is altered. |
AlterAuthorizationDatabase | Event that occurs when an authorization database is altered. |
AlterAuthorizationServer | Event that occurs when an authorization server is altered. |
AlterCertificate | Event that occurs when a certificate is altered. |
AlterDatabase | Event that occurs when a database is altered. |
AlterEndpoint | Event that occurs when an HTTP endpoint is altered. |
AlterFunction | Event that occurs when a function is altered. |
AlterIndex | Event that occurs when an index is altered. |
AlterLogin | Event that occurs when a login is altered. |
AlterMessageType | Event that occurs when a message is altered. |
AlterPartitionFunction | Event that occurs when a partition function is altered. |
AlterPartitionScheme | Event that occurs when a partition scheme is altered. |
AlterProcedure | Event that occurs when a stored procedure is altered. |
AlterQueue | Event that occurs when a queue is altered. |
AlterRemoteServiceBinding | Event that occurs when a remote service binding is altered. |
AlterRole | Event that occurs when a role is altered. |
AlterRoute | Event that occurs when a route is altered. |
AlterSchema | Event that occurs when a schema is altered. |
AlterService | Event that occurs when a service is altered. |
AlterTable | Event that occurs when a table is altered. |
AlterTrigger | Event that occurs when a trigger is altered. |
AlterUser | Event that occurs when a user is altered. |
AlterView | Event that occurs when a view is altered. |
AlterXmlSchemaCollection | Event that occurs when an XML schema collection is altered. |
AssemblyLoad | Event that occurs when an assembly is loaded. |
AuditAddDBUserEvent | Event that occurs when adding a database user is audited. |
AuditAddloginEvent | Event that occurs when adding a login is audited. |
AuditAddLoginToServerRoleEvent | Event that occurs when adding a login to a server role is audited. |
AuditAddMemberToDBRoleEvent | Event that occurs when adding a member to a database role is audited. |
AuditAddRoleEvent | Event that occurs when adding a role is audited. |
AuditAppRoleChangePasswordEvent | Event that occurs when changing an application role password is audited. |
AuditBackupRestoreEvent | Event that occurs when backing up or restoring is audited. |
AuditChangeAuditEvent | Event that occurs when changing an audit event is audited. |
AuditChangeDatabaseOwner | Event that occurs when changing the database owner is audited. |
AuditDatabaseManagementEvent | Event that occurs when database management is audited. |
AuditDatabaseObjectAccessEvent | Event that occurs when accessing a database object is audited. |
AuditDatabaseObjectGdrEvent | Event that occurs when a database object's GDR is audited. |
AuditDatabaseObjectManagementEvent | Event that occurs when database object management is audited. |
AuditDatabaseObjectTakeOwnershipEvent | Event that occurs when taking ownership of a database object is audited. |
AuditDatabaseOperationEvent | Event that occurs when database operations are audited. |
AuditDatabasePrincipalImpersonationEvent | Event that occurs when database principal impersonation is audited. |
AuditDatabasePrincipalManagementEvent | Event that occurs when database principal management is audited. |
AuditDatabaseScopeGdrEvent | Event that occurs when database scope GDR is audited. |
AuditDbccEvent | Event that occurs when a database consistency check (DBCC) event is audited. |
AuditLogin | Event that occurs when a login is audited. |
AuditLoginChangePasswordEvent | Event that occurs when a login password change is audited. |
AuditLoginChangePropertyEvent | Event that occurs when a login property change is audited. |
AuditLoginFailed | Event that occurs when a failed login attempt is audited. |
AuditLoginGdrEvent | Event that occurs when a login GDR event is audited. |
AuditLogout | Event that occurs when a log out is audited. |
AuditSchemaObjectAccessEvent | Event that occurs when access to a schema object is audited. |
AuditSchemaObjectGdrEvent | Event that occurs when a schema object GDR is audited. |
AuditSchemaObjectManagementEvent | Event that occurs when schema object management is audited. |
AuditSchemaObjectTakeOwnershipEvent | Event that occurs when taking ownership of a schema object is audited. |
AuditServerAlterTraceEvent | Event that occurs when an alter server trace is audited. |
AuditServerObjectGdrEvent | Event that occurs when a server object GDR is audited. |
AuditServerObjectManagementEvent | Event that occurs when server object management is audited. |
AuditServerObjectTakeOwnershipEvent | Event that occurs when taking ownership of the server object is audited. |
AuditServerOperationEvent | Event that occurs when server operation is audited. |
AuditServerPrincipalImpersonationEvent | Event that occurs when server principal impersonation is audited. |
AuditServerPrincipalManagementEvent | Event that occurs when server principal management is audited. |
AuditServerScopeGdrEvent | Event that occurs when server scope GDR is audited. |
BlockedProcessReport | Event that occurs when a blocked process is reported. |
BrokerQueueDisabled | Event that occurs when a Service Broker queue is disabled. |
CreateApplicationRole | Event that occurs when an application role is created. |
CreateAssembly | Event that occurs when a server assembly is created. |
CreateCertificate | Event that occurs when a certificate is created. |
CreateContract | Event that occurs when a contract is created. |
CreateDatabase | Event that occurs when a database is created. |
CreateEndpoint | Event that occurs when an endpoint is created. |
CreateEventNotification | Event that occurs when event notification is created. |
CreateFunction | Event that occurs when a function is created. |
CreateIndex | Event that occurs when an index is created. |
CreateLogin | Event that occurs when a login is created. |
CreateMessageType | Event that occurs when a message type is created. |
CreatePartitionFunction | Event that occurs when a partition function is created. |
CreatePartitionScheme | Event that occurs when a partition scheme is created. |
CreateProcedure | Event that occurs when a stored procedure is created. |
CreateQueue | Event that occurs when a queue is created. |
CreateRemoteServiceBinding | Event that occurs when a remote service binding is created. |
CreateRole | Event that occurs when a role is created. |
CreateRoute | Event that occurs when a route is created. |
CreateSchema | Event that occurs when a schema is created. |
CreateService | Event that occurs when a service is created. |
CreateStatistics | Event that occurs when a statistics counter is created. |
CreateSynonym | Event that occurs when a synonym is created. |
CreateTable | Event that occurs when a table is created. |
CreateTrigger | Event that occurs when a trigger is created. |
CreateType | Event that occurs when a type is created. |
CreateUser | Event that occurs when a user is created. |
CreateView | Event that occurs when a view is created. |
CreateXmlIndex | Event that occurs when an XML index is created. |
CreateXmlSchemaCollection | Event that occurs when an XML schema collection is created. |
DatabaseMirroringStateChange | Event that occurs when the mirroring state of a database changes. |
DataFileAutoGrow | Event that occurs when a data file grows automatically. |
DataFileAutoShrink | Event that occurs when a data file shrinks automatically. |
DeadlockGraph | Event that occurs when a deadlock graph occurs. |
DenyDatabase | Event that occurs when a database denies access. |
DenyServer | Event that occurs when a server denies access. |
DeprecationAnnouncement | Event that occurs when a deprecation announcement is issued. |
DeprecationFinalSupport | Event that occurs when a deprecation final support message is issued. |
DropApplicationRole | Event that occurs when an application role is dropped. |
DropAssembly | Event that occurs when an assembly is dropped. |
DropCertificate | Event that occurs when a certificate is dropped. |
DropContract | Event that occurs when a contract is dropped. |
DropDatabase | Event that occurs when a database is dropped. |
DropEndpoint | Event that occurs when an HTTP endpoint is dropped. |
DropEventNotification | Event that occurs when an event notification is dropped. |
DropFunction | Event that occurs when a function is dropped. |
DropIndex | Event that occurs when an index is dropped. |
DropLogin | Event that occurs when a login is dropped. |
DropMessageType | Event that occurs when a message is dropped. |
DropPartitionFunction | Event that occurs when a partition function is dropped. |
DropPartitionScheme | Event that occurs when a partition scheme is dropped. |
DropProcedure | Event that occurs when a procedure is dropped. |
DropQueue | Event that occurs when a queue is dropped. |
DropRemoteServiceBinding | Event that occurs when a remote service binding is dropped. |
DropRole | Event that occurs when a role is dropped. |
DropRoleMember | Event that occurs when a member of a role is dropped. |
DropRoute | Event that occurs when a route is dropped. |
DropSchema | Event that occurs when a schema is dropped. |
DropServerRoleMember | Event that occurs when a member of a server role is dropped. |
DropService | Event that occurs when a service is dropped. |
DropStatistics | Event that occurs when a statistics counter is dropped. |
DropSynonym | Event that occurs when a synonym is dropped. |
DropTable | Event that occurs when a table is dropped. |
DropTrigger | Event that occurs when a trigger is dropped. |
DropType | Event that occurs when a type is dropped. |
DropUser | Event that occurs when a user is dropped. |
DropView | Event that occurs when a view is dropped. |
DropXmlSchemaCollection | Event that occurs when an XML schema collection is dropped. |
Errorlog | Event that occurs when an error is logged. |
Eventlog | Event that occurs when an event is logged. |
Exception | Event that occurs when an exception occurs. |
ExchangeSpillEvent | Event that occurs when an exchange spill event occurs. |
ExecutionWarnings | Event that occurs when an execution warning occurs. |
FtCrawlAborted | Event that occurs when an FT crawl is stopped. |
FtCrawlStarted | Event that occurs when an FT crawl is started. |
FtCrawlStopped | Event that occurs when an FT crawl is stopped. |
GrantDatabase | Event that occurs when access is granted to a database. |
GrantServer | Event that occurs when access to a server is granted. |
HashWarning | Event that occurs when a hash warning occurs. |
LockDeadlock | Event that occurs when a deadlock occurs. |
LockDeadlockChain | Event that occurs when a deadlock chain occurs. |
LockEscalation | Event that occurs when lock escalation occurs. |
LogFileAutoGrow | Event that occurs when the log file automatically grows. |
LogFileAutoShrink | Event that occurs when log file is automatically shrinked. |
MissingColumnStatistics | Event that occurs when missing columns statistics are discovered. |
MissingJoinPredicate | Event that occurs when a missing join predicate occurs. |
MountTape | Event that occurs when tape is mounted. |
ObjectAltered | Event that occurs when an object is altered. |
ObjectCreated | Event that occurs when an object is created. |
ObjectDeleted | Event that occurs when an object is deleted. |
OledbCallEvent | Event that occurs when an OLE DB call event occurs. |
OledbDatareadEvent | Event that occurs when an OLE DB data is read. |
OledbErrors | Event that occurs when OLE DB errors occur. |
OledbProviderInformation | Event that occurs when OLE DB provider information is accessed. |
OledbQueryinterfaceEvent | Event that occurs when an OLE DB interface is queried. |
Qn_dynamics | Event that occurs when a dynamics event occurs. |
Qn_parameterTable | Event that occurs when a parameter table event occurs. |
Qn_subscription | Event that occurs when a subscription event occurs. |
Qn_template | Event that occurs when a template event occurs. |
QueueActivation | Event that occurs when a queue is activated. |
RevokeDatabase | Event that occurs when access to a database is revoked. |
RevokeServer | Event that occurs when access to a server is revoked. |
ServerMemoryChange | Event that occurs when a change to the server memory is made. |
ShowplanAllForQueryCompile | Event that occurs when a Showplan All For Query Compile request occurs. |
ShowplanXml | Event that occurs when a Showplan XML request occurs. |
ShowplanXmlForQueryCompile | Event that occurs when a Showplan XML For Query Compile request occurs. |
ShowplanXmlStatisticsProfile | Event that occurs when a Showplan XML statistics profile request occurs. |
SortWarnings | Event that occurs when a warning message is generated during a sort operation. |
SpCacheinsert | Event that occurs when a stored procedure cache insert occurs. |
SpCachemiss | Event that occurs when a stored procedure cache miss occurs. |
SpCacheremove | Event that occurs when a stored procedure cache remove occurs. |
SpRecompile | Event that occurs when a stored procedure is recompiled. |
SqlStmtrecompile | Event that occurs when a Transact-SQL statement is recompiled. |
TraceFileClose | Event that occurs when a trace file is closed. |
UpdateStatistics | Event that occurs when statistics are updated. |
Userconfigurable0 | A user-configurable event. |
Userconfigurable1 | A user-configurable event. |
Userconfigurable2 | A user-configurable event. |
Userconfigurable3 | A user-configurable event. |
Userconfigurable4 | A user-configurable event. |
Userconfigurable5 | A user-configurable event. |
Userconfigurable6 | A user-configurable event. |
Userconfigurable7 | A user-configurable event. |
Userconfigurable8 | A user-configurable event. |
Userconfigurable9 | A user-configurable event. |
UserErrorMessage | Event that occurs when a user error message is issued. |
XqueryStaticType | Event that occurs when an Xquery static type event occurs. |
The EventType enumeration class is served by the EventType class.
This namespace, class, or member is supported only in version 2.0 of the Microsoft .NET Framework.
如需受支援的平台清單,請參閱<安裝 SQL Server 2005 的硬體和軟體需求>。
如需受支援的平台清單,請參閱<安裝 SQL Server 2005 的硬體和軟體需求>。