
Package Members

Represents the package container. This class cannot be inherited.

The following tables list the members exposed by the Package type.

Public Constructors

  名稱 Description
Package Initializes a new instance of the Package class.


Protected Fields

  名稱 Description
ms212964.protfield(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif m_executable  (inherited from Executable )


Public Properties

  名稱 Description
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif CertificateContext Gets or sets the certificate context.
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif CertificateObject Gets or sets the X.509 certificate object for the package.
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif CheckpointFileName Gets or sets the name of the file that captures the checkpoint information, which enables a package to restart.
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif CheckpointUsage Gets or sets a value that specifies if or when a package is restarted.
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif CheckSignatureOnLoad Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the digital signature is checked when a package is loaded from XML.
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif Configurations Returns the collection of configurations for the package. A package can have more than one configuration associated with it. This property is read-only.
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif Connections Returns the collection of connection managers for the package.
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif CreationDate Gets or sets the date and time that the package was created.
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif CreationName  Returns the string that is used to create an instance of the DtsContainer object. This property is read-only. (inherited from DtsContainer)
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif CreatorComputerName Gets or sets the name of the computer on which the package was created.
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif CreatorName Gets or sets the name of the individual who created the package.
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif DebugMode  Gets or sets a Boolean that indicates whether the DtsContainer object is in debug mode and whether it should fire the OnBreakpointHit event while running. (inherited from DtsContainer)
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif DelayValidation  Gets or sets a Boolean that indicates whether validation of the task is delayed until run time. The default value is false. (inherited from DtsContainer)
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif Description  Gets or sets the description of the DtsContainer object. (inherited from DtsContainer)
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif DesignEvents Gets or sets an IDTSEvents that indicates if the designer or other third-party client is to receive events during design time.
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif Disable  A Boolean that indicates if the DtsContainer object is disabled. (inherited from DtsContainer)
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif DisableEventHandlers  Gets or sets a Boolean that indicates whether the event handlers on task are disabled. (inherited from EventsProvider)
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif EnableConfigurations Indicates whether the package loads configurations.
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif EncryptCheckpoints Indicates if checkpoint files are encrypted.
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif Errors Returns the collection of errors associated with the package. This field is read-only.
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif EventHandlers  Returns a collection of event handler objects. This field is read-only. (inherited from EventsProvider)
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif EventInfos  Returns a collection of EventInfo objects. This field is read-only. (inherited from EventsProvider)
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif Executables Returns the collection of executable objects contained within the package that are a part of the package workflow.
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif ExecutionDuration  Returns a value that indicates the amount of time that the container spent in execution, in milliseconds. This property is read-only. (inherited from DtsContainer)
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif ExecutionResult  Returns a value that indicates the success or failure of the execution of the DtsContainer object. (inherited from DtsContainer)
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif ExecutionStatus  Returns a value that indicates the current status of the execution of the DtsContainer object at the time of the call. (inherited from DtsContainer)
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif ExtendedProperties Returns the ExtendedProperties collection for the package.
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif FailPackageOnFailure  Gets or sets a Boolean that indicates whether the package fails when a child container fails. This property is used on containers, not the package itself. (inherited from DtsContainer)
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif FailParentOnFailure  Gets or sets a Boolean that defines whether the parent container fails when a child container fails. (inherited from DtsContainer)
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif ForcedExecutionValue  Gets or sets an object that contains a container-defined value. (inherited from DtsContainer)
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif ForceExecutionResult  Gets or sets a DTSForcedExecResult enumeration value that specifies the execution result of the container. (inherited from DtsContainer)
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif ForceExecutionValue  Gets or sets a Boolean that indicates if the execution value of the container should be forced to contain a particular value. (inherited from DtsContainer)
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif ID  Returns the ID, which is a GUID, of the DtsContainer. The value is read-only. (inherited from DtsContainer)
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif InteractiveMode Indicates if tasks should show user interface objects while executing.
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif IsDefaultLocaleID  A Boolean that indicates whether the container uses the default locale. This property is read-only. (inherited from DtsContainer)
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif IsolationLevel  Gets or sets the isolation level of the transaction in the DtsContainer object. (inherited from DtsContainer)
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif LocaleID  Gets or sets an Integer that indicates the Microsoft Win32® localeID to use when the DtsContainer object is executed. (inherited from DtsContainer)
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif LogEntryInfos  Returns a LogEntryInfos object. This property is read-only. (inherited from DtsContainer)
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif LoggingMode  Gets or sets a valid value from the DTSLoggingMode enumeration that indicates the logging mode of the container. (inherited from DtsContainer)
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif LoggingOptions  Returns an object that contains properties that indicates the filtering and logging resource for containers. This property is read-only. (inherited from DtsContainer)
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif LogProviders Returns the collection of log providers associated with the package.
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif MaxConcurrentExecutables Gets or sets the number of threads that a package can create.
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif MaximumErrorCount  Gets or sets an Integer value that indicates the maximum number of errors that can occur before the DtsContainer object stops running. (inherited from DtsContainer)
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif Name  Gets or sets the name of the DtsContainer. (inherited from DtsContainer)
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif OfflineMode Gets or sets a Boolean that indicates if the package is working in offline mode.
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif PackagePassword Sets the value of the password for the package. This property is write-only.
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif PackagePriorityClass Specifies the Win32 thread priority class of the package thread.
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif PackageType Sets or returns a value that identifies the tool that created the package.
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif Parent  Returns the parent container. The value is read-only. (inherited from DtsContainer)
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif PrecedenceConstraints Returns the collection of PrecedenceConstraint objects. This field is read-only.
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif Properties Returns a collection of DtsProperties for the package.
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif ProtectionLevel Gets or sets the level of protection on the package.
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif SaveCheckpoints Gets or sets a value that determines if the package will use checkpoints during package execution.
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif Site  (inherited from DtsContainer )
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif StartTime  Returns the time that the container began execution. This property is read-only. (inherited from DtsContainer)
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif StopTime  Returns the time that the container ended execution. This property is read-only. (inherited from DtsContainer)
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif SuppressConfigurationWarnings Indicates if warnings generated by configurations are suppressed.
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif SuspendRequired  Gets or sets a Boolean that indicates if tasks should suspend when they encounter a breakpoint. This value is set by the runtime engine for tasks and containers when a breakpoint is encountered. (inherited from DtsContainer)
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif TransactionOption  Gets or sets a DTSTransactionOption enumeration value that indicates whether the container participates in transactions. (inherited from DtsContainer)
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif UpdateObjects Gets or sets a Boolean that indicates whether extensible objects can be updated at package load time if an updated version is found.
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif VariableDispenser  Returns a VariableDispenser object so variables associated with the container can be locked. (inherited from DtsContainer)
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif Variables  Returns a collection that contains the variables associated with this container. This property is read-only. (inherited from DtsContainer)
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif VersionBuild Gets or sets the build version of the package.
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif VersionComments Gets or sets the comments associated with the package.
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif VersionGUID Returns a unique GUID generated when the package is first created. This field is read-only.
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif VersionMajor Gets or sets the major build version of the package.
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif VersionMinor Gets or sets the minor build version of the package.
ms212964.pubproperty(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif Warnings Returns a collection of warnings set on the package. This field is read-only.


Public Methods

(see also Protected Methods )

  名稱 Description
ms212964.pubmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif AcceptBreakpointManager  (inherited from DtsContainer )
ms212964.pubmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif CheckSignature Returns a DTSSignatureStatus enumeration that shows if the package has been flagged to have a digital signature. If so, the enumeration indicates the signature validity.
ms212964.pubmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif Dispose  Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. (inherited from DtsContainer)
ms212964.pubmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif Equals  Overloaded. (inherited from DtsObject )
ms212964.pubmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif Execute Overloaded. Returns a DTSExecResult enumeration that contains information about the success or failure of the package execution.
ms212964.pubmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif ExportConfigurationFile Creates an XML file that contains all deployable variables in the package.
ms212964.pubmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif FindReferencedObjects Returns a reference object enumeration.
ms212964.pubmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif GetBreakpointTargets Returns a BreakpointTargets collection. Depending on the setting of the onlyEnabled parameter, the collection contains all breakpoint targets in the package, or only enabled breakpoint targets.
ms212964.pubmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif GetExpression Returns a String that contains the expression for the specified property. Null means no expression is assigned.
ms212964.pubmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif GetHashCode  Returns the hash code for this instance. (inherited from DtsObject)
ms212964.pubmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif GetObjectFromPackagePath Returns a package property and the object from the specified package path.
ms212964.pubmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif GetPackagePath Returns a String that contains the relative path to the package location.
ms212964.pubmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif GetType  (inherited from Object )
ms212964.pubmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif ImportConfigurationFile Loads a configuration file associated with the package.
ms212964.pubmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif LoadFromXML Overloaded. Loads a package and all its objects that have been saved in memory in XML format. Use the Application class to load packages that have been saved to the file system.
ms212964.pubmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif LoadUserCertificateByHash Loads the certificate for the package according to the certificate hash.
ms212964.pubmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif LoadUserCertificateByName Loads the certificate for the package according to the certificate name.
ms212964.pubmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gifms212964.static(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif op_Equality  (inherited from DtsObject )
ms212964.pubmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gifms212964.static(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif op_Inequality  (inherited from DtsObject )
ms212964.pubmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif ProcessConfiguration This method allows you to set configuration information for a package and its objects.
ms212964.pubmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gifms212964.static(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif ReferenceEquals  (inherited from Object )
ms212964.pubmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif RegenerateID Creates a new GUID for the package and updates the package ID property.
ms212964.pubmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif ResumeExecution  Resumes execution of the task after pausing. The task or container is resumed by the runtime engine. (inherited from DtsContainer)
ms212964.pubmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif SaveToXML Overloaded. Saves the package in an XML format.
ms212964.pubmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif SetExpression Assigns the specified expression to the property. Specify null to remove an existing expression from the property.
ms212964.pubmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif SuspendExecution  Called when the executable needs to suspend. This method is called by the runtime engine. (inherited from DtsContainer)
ms212964.pubmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif ToString  (inherited from Object )
ms212964.pubmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif Validate  (inherited from DtsContainer )


Protected Methods

  名稱 Description
ms212964.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif Finalize  (inherited from Object )
ms212964.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif MemberwiseClone  (inherited from Object )
ms212964.protmethod(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif SetWrappedExecutable  (inherited from EventsProvider )


Public Events

  名稱 Description
ms212964.pubevent(zh-tw,SQL.90).gif Disposed  Adds an event handler to listen to the Disposed event on the component. (inherited from DtsContainer)




Package Class
Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime Namespace