IBuySpy Delivery 2005 範例程式碼
您可以在 Microsoft Visual C# 和 Microsoft Visual Basic 兩種語言的下列位置找到 IBuySpy Delivery 2005 應用程式的程式碼:\Program Files\IBuySpyDelivery2005\Client\language\IBuySpyDevice;其中的 language 是 cs 或 vb。
此主題中的範例顯示的是 Visual C# 程式碼,不過 Visual Basic 程式碼也非常相似。
- IBuySpyData
這個類別可處理應用程式的所有資料存取,包括使用複寫與遠端資料存取 (RDA) 的同步處理。此類別包含下列方法:ReplSync、RdaSync、LoadCustomers、LoadOrders 和 LoadOrderDetails。 - Customers
這個類別提供 Customers 控制項的使用者介面和資料繫結程式碼,並包含 cboCustomers_SelectedIndexChanged 方法。
ReplSync 方法
ReplSync 方法會建立新的 Replication 物件,設定其屬性,然後再與伺服器資料庫同步處理。此方法同時支援僅限上載和雙向的複寫方式;實際使用的方式則由 exchangeType 參數的值決定。使用僅限上載的複寫方式時,行動資料庫的變更會傳送到伺服器資料庫,但不會從伺服器下載任何新資料。
ReplSync 方法的範例程式碼
private void ReplSync(SyncStatus syncStatus, ExchangeType exchangeType)
SqlCeReplication repl = new SqlCeReplication();
// Set Internet properties.
repl.InternetUrl = this.internetUrl;
repl.InternetLogin = this.internetLogin;
repl.InternetPassword = this.internetPassword;
// Set Publisher properties.
repl.Publisher = this.serverName;
repl.PublisherDatabase = this.publisherDatabase;
repl.Publication = this.publication;
// Set Publisher security properties.
repl.PublisherSecurityMode = this.publisherSecurityMode;
repl.PublisherLogin = this.publisherLogin;
repl.PublisherPassword = this.publisherPassword;
// Set Subscriber properties.
repl.SubscriberConnectionString = this.localConnString;
repl.Subscriber = this.subscriber;
// Add dynamic filter (filter by driver IDs).
repl.HostName = this.driverID.ToString();
// Bidirectional or upload-only?
repl.ExchangeType = exchangeType;
if (SyncStatus.InitSync == syncStatus)
// Create the local database subscription.
if (SyncStatus.ReinitSync == syncStatus)
// If the driver ID has been changed, reinitialize the subscription.
// Set the uploadBeforeReInit to True so that changes in the subscription database
// are uploaded to the Publisher before the snapshot is applied to the subscription database.
// Synchronize to the SQl Server 2000 database to populate the local subscription database.
// Dispose of the Replication object.
RDASync 方法
RDASync 與複寫類似的是,它會建立新的 RemoteDataAccess 物件,設定其屬性,並與伺服器資料庫同步處理。此方法同時支援僅限上載和雙向的 RDA 方式;實際使用的方式則由 exchangeType 參數的值決定。使用僅限上載的 RDA 同步方式時,行動資料庫的變更會傳送到伺服器資料庫,但不會從伺服器下載任何新資訊。使用雙向的 RDA 同步方式時,索引和資料都會下載到裝置資料庫上。
RDASync 方法的範例程式碼
private void RdaSync(SyncStatus syncStatus, ExchangeType exchangeType)
string sqlCmd;
SqlCeRemoteDataAccess rda = new SqlCeRemoteDataAccess();
// Set RDA properties.
rda.LocalConnectionString = this.localConnString;
rda.InternetUrl = this.internetUrl;
rda.InternetLogin = this.internetLogin;
rda.InternetPassword = this.internetPassword;
if (SyncStatus.InitSync == syncStatus)
// Create the local database.
SqlCeEngine en = new SqlCeEngine(this.localConnString);
// Push (upload) the Orders table.
// Columns: All.
rda.Push("Orders", this.remoteConnString);
// Push (upload) the OrderDetails table.
// Columns: All.
rda.Push("OrderDetails", this.remoteConnString);
// If this is upload-only (Quick Sync), then return.
if (ExchangeType.Upload == exchangeType)
// Open the connection to the local database to drop the table.
// To perform a pull (download), first drop the local database tables.
if (ConnectionState.Closed == cnIBuySpy.State)
// Drop the Customers table if it exists.
if (DoesTableExist("Customers"))
// Drop the Orders table if it exists.
if (DoesTableExist("Orders"))
// Drop the OrderDetails table if it exists.
if (DoesTableExist("OrderDetails"))
// Drop the Products table if it exists.
if (DoesTableExist("Products"))
// Drop the Categories table if it exists.
if (DoesTableExist("Categories"))
// Close the database connection.
if (ConnectionState.Open == cnIBuySpy.State)
// Pull (download) the Customers table.
// Columns: All.
// Index: All. The RdaTrackOption.TrackingOffWIthIndexes parameter specifies that indexes are downloaded from the server to the device (index pull).
// Tracking: off.
sqlCmd = String.Format(@"SELECT CustomerID, FullName, EmailAddress, Password, Address, City, Region, Zip, Phone, DriverID FROM Customers WHERE DriverID = {0}", this.driverID);
rda.Pull("Customers", sqlCmd, this.remoteConnString, RdaTrackOption.TrackingOffWithIndexes);
// Pull (download) the Orders table.
// Columns: All.
// Index: All.
// Tracking: on.
sqlCmd = String.Format(@"SELECT OrderID, CustomerID, OrderDate, ShipDate, Status, Signature FROM Orders WHERE CustomerID IN (SELECT CustomerID FROM Customers WHERE DriverID = {0})", this.driverID);
rda.Pull("Orders", sqlCmd, this.remoteConnString, RdaTrackOption.TrackingOnWithIndexes);
// Pull (download) the OrderDetails table.
// Columns: All.
// Index: All.
// Tracking: on.
sqlCmd = String.Format(@"SELECT OrderID, ProductID, Quantity, UnitCost FROM OrderDetails WHERE OrderID IN (SELECT OrderID FROM Orders AS O JOIN Customers AS C ON O.CustomerID = C.CustomerID WHERE C.DriverID = {0})", this.driverID);
rda.Pull("OrderDetails", sqlCmd, this.remoteConnString, RdaTrackOption.TrackingOnWithIndexes);
// Pull (download) the Products table.
// Columns: All.
// Index: All.
// Tracking: off.
sqlCmd = @"SELECT ProductID, CategoryID, ModelNumber, ModelName, ProductImage, UnitCost, Description FROM Products";
rda.Pull("Products", sqlCmd, this.remoteConnString, RdaTrackOption.TrackingOffWithIndexes);
// Pull (download) the Categories table.
// Columns: All.
// Index: All.
// Tracking: off.
sqlCmd = @"SELECT CategoryID, CategoryName FROM Categories";
rda.Pull("Categories", sqlCmd, this.remoteConnString, RdaTrackOption.TrackingOffWithIndexes);
// Dispose of the RemoteDataAccess object.
LoadCustomers、LoadOrders 和 LoadOrderDetails 方法
這三個方法都會下載內含本機資料庫之資料表資料的 datatable 物件。datatable 名稱與本機資料庫中的資料表名稱相符。例如,Customers 資料表的資料儲存在 Customers datatable中。除了資料集和 datatable 物件之外,這些方法也會示範如何使用資料配接器。LoadOrders 方法中也使用參數化查詢。
LoadCustomers 方法的範例程式碼
internal DataTable LoadCustomers()
if (null == this.dsCustomerOrders)
// Creates a new dataset if needed. The same dataset is also used to hold data from the Orders table.
this.dsCustomerOrders = new DataSet("CustomerOrders");
DataTable dtCustomers = dsCustomerOrders.Tables["Customers"];
if (null != dtCustomers)
// Clear the Customers datatable if it already exists.
if (null == this.daCustomers)
// Create a SqlCeDataAdapter to populate the Customers dataset.
this.daCustomers = new SqlCeDataAdapter(@"SELECT CustomerID, FullName, Address, City, Region, Zip, Phone " +
@"FROM Customers " +
@"ORDER BY FullName",
// Populate the Customers dataset with data from the Customers table in the local database.
daCustomers.Fill(dsCustomerOrders, "Customers");
return dsCustomerOrders.Tables["Customers"];
LoadOrders 方法的範例程式碼
internal DataTable LoadOrders()
if (null == dsCustomerOrders)
// Creates a new dataset if needed. The same dataset is also used to hold data from the Customers table.
dsCustomerOrders = new DataSet("CustomerOrders");
DataTable dtOrders = dsCustomerOrders.Tables["Orders"];
if (null != dtOrders)
// Clear the Orders datatable if it already exists.
if (null == daOrders)
// Create a SqlCeDataAdapter to populate the Orders dataset.
daOrders = new SqlCeDataAdapter(@"SELECT OrderID, CustomerID, Status, OrderDate, ShipDate " +
@"FROM Orders " +
@"ORDER BY OrderID",
daOrders.UpdateCommand = new SqlCeCommand();
daOrders.UpdateCommand.Connection = cnIBuySpy;
// Change the Status field.
daOrders.UpdateCommand.CommandText = @"UPDATE Orders SET Status = ?, ShipDate = ? WHERE (OrderID = ?)";
// Set the UpdateCommand parameters for the Status field.
System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeParameter paramStatus = new System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeParameter();
paramStatus.ParameterName = "@Status";
paramStatus.SqlDbType = System.Data.SqlDbType.TinyInt;
paramStatus.Size = 1;
paramStatus.SourceColumn = "Status";
// Set the UpdateCommand parameters for the ShipDate field.
System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeParameter paramShipDate = new System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeParameter();
paramShipDate.ParameterName = "@ShipDate";
paramShipDate.SqlDbType = System.Data.SqlDbType.DateTime;
paramShipDate.Size = 8;
paramShipDate.SourceColumn = "ShipDate";
// Set the UpdateCommand parameters for the OrderID field. To ensure that the search finds
// the original record in the database, use the Original data row version
// within the WHERE clause when performing a search.
System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeParameter paramOrderID = new System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeParameter();
paramOrderID.ParameterName = "@Original_OrderID";
paramOrderID.SqlDbType = System.Data.SqlDbType.Int;
paramOrderID.Size = 4;
paramOrderID.IsNullable = false;
paramOrderID.Precision = 0;
paramOrderID.Scale = 0;
paramOrderID.SourceColumn = "OrderID";
paramOrderID.SourceVersion = System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original;
// Populate the Orders dataset with data from the Orders table in the local database.
daOrders.Fill(dsCustomerOrders, "Orders");
return dsCustomerOrders.Tables["Orders"];
LoadOrderDetails 方法的範例程式碼
internal DataTable LoadOrderDetails(int orderID)
if (null == dsCustomerOrders)
// Create a new dataset if needed.
dsCustomerOrders = new DataSet("CustomerOrders");
DataTable dtOrderDetails = dsCustomerOrders.Tables["OrderDetails"];
if (null != dtOrderDetails)
// Clear the OrderDetails datatable if it already exists.
if (null == daOrderDetails)
// Create a SqlCeDataAdapter to populate the OrderDetails dataset.
daOrderDetails = new SqlCeDataAdapter();
// Create a SelectCommand to select order details information from the OrderDetails and
// Products tables in the local database.
daOrderDetails.SelectCommand = this.cnIBuySpy.CreateCommand();
daOrderDetails.SelectCommand.CommandText = @"SELECT O.OrderID, O.ProductID, P.ModelName, O.Quantity, O.UnitCost, O.Quantity*O.UnitCost AS Total " +
@"FROM OrderDetails AS O JOIN Products AS P " +
@"ON O.ProductID = P.ProductID " +
@"WHERE O.OrderID = ?";
// Set the SelectCommand parameters for the OrderID field.
SqlCeParameter paramOrderID1 = new SqlCeParameter();
paramOrderID1.ParameterName = "@Original_OrderID";
paramOrderID1.SqlDbType = System.Data.SqlDbType.Int;
paramOrderID1.Size = 4;
paramOrderID1.SourceColumn = "OrderID";
paramOrderID1.Value = -1;
paramOrderID1.SourceVersion = System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original;
// Create an UpdateCommand to update the OrderDetails table in the local database.
daOrderDetails.UpdateCommand = this.cnIBuySpy.CreateCommand();
daOrderDetails.UpdateCommand.CommandText = @"UPDATE OrderDetails " +
@"SET Quantity = ?, UnitCost = ? " +
@"WHERE (OrderID = ? AND ProductID = ?)";
// Set the UpdateCommand parameters for the Quantity field.
SqlCeParameter paramQuantity2 = new SqlCeParameter();
paramQuantity2.ParameterName = "@Quantity";
paramQuantity2.SqlDbType = System.Data.SqlDbType.Int;
paramQuantity2.Size = 4;
paramQuantity2.SourceColumn = "Quantity";
// Set the UpdateCommand parameters for the UnitCost field.
SqlCeParameter paramUnitCost2 = new SqlCeParameter();
paramUnitCost2.ParameterName = "@UnitCost";
paramUnitCost2.SqlDbType = System.Data.SqlDbType.Money;
paramUnitCost2.SourceColumn = "UnitCost";
// Set the UpdateCommand parameters for the OrderID field.
SqlCeParameter paramOrderID2 = new SqlCeParameter();
paramOrderID2.ParameterName = "@Original_OrderID";
paramOrderID2.SqlDbType = System.Data.SqlDbType.Int;
paramOrderID2.Size = 4;
paramOrderID2.SourceColumn = "OrderID";
paramOrderID2.SourceVersion = System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original;
// Set the UpdateCommand parameters for the ProductID field.
SqlCeParameter paramProductID2 = new SqlCeParameter();
paramProductID2.ParameterName = "@Original_ProductID";
paramProductID2.SqlDbType = System.Data.SqlDbType.Int;
paramProductID2.Size = 4;
paramProductID2.SourceColumn = "ProductID";
paramProductID2.SourceVersion = System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original;
// Create an InsertCommand to insert data into the OrderDetails table in the local database.
daOrderDetails.InsertCommand = this.cnIBuySpy.CreateCommand();
daOrderDetails.InsertCommand.CommandText = @"INSERT INTO OrderDetails (OrderID, ProductID, Quantity, UnitCost) " +
@"VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)";
// Set the InsertCommand parameters for the OrderID field.
SqlCeParameter paramOrderID3 = new SqlCeParameter();
paramOrderID3.ParameterName = "@OrderID";
paramOrderID3.SqlDbType = System.Data.SqlDbType.Int;
paramOrderID3.Size = 4;
paramOrderID3.SourceColumn = "OrderID";
// Set the InsertCommand parameters for the ProductID field.
SqlCeParameter paramProductID3 = new SqlCeParameter();
paramProductID3.ParameterName = "@ProductID";
paramProductID3.SqlDbType = System.Data.SqlDbType.Int;
paramProductID3.Size = 4;
paramProductID3.SourceColumn = "ProductID";
// Set the InsertCommand parameters for the Quantity field.
SqlCeParameter paramQuantity3 = new SqlCeParameter();
paramQuantity3.ParameterName = "@Quantity";
paramQuantity3.SqlDbType = System.Data.SqlDbType.Int;
paramQuantity3.Size = 4;
paramQuantity3.SourceColumn = "Quantity";
// Set the InsertCommand parameters for the UnitCost field.
SqlCeParameter paramUnitCost3 = new SqlCeParameter();
paramUnitCost3.ParameterName = "@UnitCost";
paramUnitCost3.SqlDbType = System.Data.SqlDbType.Money;
paramUnitCost3.SourceColumn = "UnitCost";
this.daOrderDetails.SelectCommand.Parameters["@Original_OrderID"].Value = orderID;
// Populate the OrderDetails dataset with data from the OrderDetails table in the local database.
this.daOrderDetails.Fill(this.dsCustomerOrders, "OrderDetails");
return this.dsCustomerOrders.Tables["OrderDetails"];
cboCustomers_SelectedIndexChanged 方法
cboCustomers_SelectedIndexChanged 方法會填入下拉式方塊,供送貨司機選取不同的客戶。當送貨司機變更選定的客戶時,畫面上便會顯示適當的資料。這個方法示範繫結使用者控制項和資料物件的方法。
cboCustomers_SelectedIndexChanged 方法的範例程式碼
private void cboCustomers_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
if (0 <= this.cboCustomers.SelectedIndex &&
this.customerID != Convert.ToInt32(this.cboCustomers.SelectedValue))
DataRowView row = null;
// If the current order has been modified in any way and the user selects a different customer, then
// the user's changes are discarded: The CustomerOrders and Inventory datasets are reset.
if (this.dataIBuySpy.HasChanges())
if (DialogResult.OK == MessageBox.Show(String.Format("You have modified order {0}. Switching customers will discard all changes.", this.orderID),
"IBuySpy Delivery",
this.cboCustomers.SelectedValue = this.customerID;
// Set the current binding position.
BindingContext[dtCustomers].Position = this.cboCustomers.SelectedIndex;
// Load the selected customer information from the Customer datatable.
row = (DataRowView)BindingContext[dtCustomers].Current;
this.customerID = Convert.ToInt32(row["CustomerID"]);
// Displays the customer's address information.
this.lblAddressValue1.Text = row["Address"].ToString();
this.lblAddressValue2.Text = String.Format(@"{0}, {1} {2}", row["City"], row["Region"], row["Zip"]);
this.lblAddressValue3.Text = row["Phone"].ToString();
// Set the data viewer to filter by the selected customer.
this.dvOrders.RowFilter = String.Format("CustomerID = '{0}'", this.customerID);