ImpersonationMode Enumeration
Defines the access mode to the data source that the service uses when it processes its objects, synchronizes the server, and for the Data Mining statement OPENQUERY (DMX).
命名空間: Microsoft.AnalysisServices
組件: Microsoft.AnalysisServices (in microsoft.analysisservices.dll)
Public Enumeration ImpersonationMode
public enum ImpersonationMode
public enum class ImpersonationMode
public enum ImpersonationMode
public enum ImpersonationMode
Member name | Description |
Default | Uses the inherited value from the ImpersonationMode on the DataSourceImpersonationInfo object in the database. |
ImpersonateAccount | This option is used when the service uses the account and (optionally) a password associated with the data source. |
ImpersonateAnonymous | Currently not supported. |
ImpersonateCurrentUser | The current user is impersonated. |
ImpersonateServiceAccount | The credentials of the service account are used. |
新增:2006 年 7 月 17 日
Each data source object has an ImpersonationMode which states how the service authenticates itself to the data source.
如需受支援的平台清單,請參閱<安裝 SQL Server 2005 的硬體和軟體需求>。
如需受支援的平台清單,請參閱<安裝 SQL Server 2005 的硬體和軟體需求>。