
SetReportServerURLs Method (WMI MSReportManager_ConfigurationSetting Class)

Sets the URLs used by report manager to communicate with the report server.


Public Sub SetReportServerURLs(ReportServerURL as String,_
    ReportServerVirtualDirectory as String, _
    ReportServerExternalURL as String, ByRef HRESULT as Int32)
public void SetReportServerURLs(string ReportServerURL, 
    string ReportServerVirtualDirectory, 
    string ReportServerExternalURL, out Int32 HRESULT);


  • ReportServerUrl
    Specifies the URL to use when communicating to the report server using SOAP. When a value is specified, this is the value used to communicate with report server.
  • ReportServerVirtualDirectory
    Specifies the name of the virtual directory on which the report server is exposed.

    When a value is specified and a value for ReportServerUrl is not specified, Report Manager constructs URLs for SOAP calls using this value.

  • ReportServerExternalUrl
    Specifies the URL to prepend to the request URL to allow use of the HTML Viewer in Internet scenarios.
    [out] Value indicating whether the call succeeded or failed.

Return Value

Returns an HRESULT indicating success or failure of the method call. A value of 0 indicates that the method call was successful; an error code indicates the call was not successful.


When calling the method, the ReportServerUrl and/or the ReportServerVirtualDirectory parameter must be specified. Failure to specify one of these parameters results in an exception being thrown.

To clear a value, supply an empty string for that value.



Platform: Windows Server 2003、Datacenter Edition;Windows Server 2003、Enterprise Edition;Windows Server 2003、Standard Edition;Windows Vista;Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (SP2) 或 Service Pack 1 (SP1);或 Windows 2000 (所有版本)



MSReportManager_ConfigurationSetting Members


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