
SPContentTypeUsage.Url property

取得內容型別中的統一資源定位器 (URL)。

Namespace:  Microsoft.SharePoint
Assembly:  Microsoft.SharePoint (in Microsoft.SharePoint.dll)


Public ReadOnly Property Url As String
Dim instance As SPContentTypeUsage
Dim value As String

value = instance.Url
public string Url { get; }

Property value

Type: System.String
伺服器相對 URL。


網站內容類型,則屬性會傳回 Web 站台的伺服器相對 URL。清單內容類型, Url屬性會傳回清單的根資料夾的伺服器相對 URL。


下列範例會示範取得內建內容類型Item的使用方式集合的主控台應用程式。應用程式會使用集合中的每個SPContentTypeUsage物件的 [ Url ] 屬性來決定父系內容類型的執行個體的名稱。然後應用程式是列印範圍 (站台或執行個體的清單) 執行個體的名稱和主控台的 [ Url ] 屬性的值。

Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports Microsoft.SharePoint

Module ConsoleApp
   Sub Main()
      Using siteCollection As SPSite = New SPSite("https://localhost")
         Using webSite As SPWeb = siteCollection.RootWeb

            ' Get the content type.
            Dim contentType As SPContentType = _

            ' Get the usage collection.
            Dim usages As IList(Of SPContentTypeUsage) = _

            For Each usage As SPContentTypeUsage In usages

               ' Get the name of this instance.
               Dim ctName As String = String.Empty

               If usage.IsUrlToList Then ' List content type
                  For Each web As SPWeb In siteCollection.AllWebs

                     For Each list As SPList In web.Lists
                        If list.RootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl = usage.Url Then
                           ctName = list.ContentTypes(usage.Id).Name
                           Exit For
                        End If
                     Next list

                     web.Dispose() ' Clean up

                     If ctName <> String.Empty Then
                        Exit For
                     End If

                  Next web

               Else ' Site content type.
                  Dim web As SPWeb = siteCollection.OpenWeb(usage.Url)
                  ctName = web.AvailableContentTypes(usage.Id).Name
               End If

               Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf + "Content type name: {0}", ctName)
               Console.WriteLine("This is a {0} content type", _
                                 IIf(usage.IsUrlToList, "list", "site"))
               Console.WriteLine("URL: {0}", usage.Url)

            Next usage

         End Using
      End Using
      Console.Write(vbCrLf + "Press ENTER to continue...")
   End Sub

End Module
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.SharePoint;

namespace Test
   class ConsoleApp
      static void Main(string[] args)
         using (SPSite siteCollection = new SPSite("https://localhost"))
            using (SPWeb rootWeb = siteCollection.RootWeb)
               // Get the content type.
               SPContentType contentType =

               //Get the usage collection.
               IList<SPContentTypeUsage> usages = SPContentTypeUsage.GetUsages(contentType);

               foreach (SPContentTypeUsage usage in usages)
                  // Get the name of the content type.
                  string ctName = String.Empty;

                  if (usage.IsUrlToList) // List content type
                     foreach (SPWeb web in siteCollection.AllWebs)
                        foreach (SPList list in web.Lists)
                           if (list.RootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl == usage.Url)
                              ctName = list.ContentTypes[usage.Id].Name;

                        web.Dispose(); // Clean up

                        if (ctName != String.Empty)
                  else // Site content type.
                     SPWeb web = siteCollection.OpenWeb(usage.Url);
                     ctName = web.AvailableContentTypes[usage.Id].Name;

                  Console.WriteLine("\nContent type name: {0}", ctName);
                  Console.WriteLine("This is a {0} content type.", 
                                    usage.IsUrlToList ? "list" : "site");
                  Console.WriteLine("URL: {0}", usage.Url);
         Console.Write("\nPress ENTER to continue...");

當應用程式執行對根 Web 站台和一個子網站的網站集合時,它會列印下列 (部分) 輸出到主控台。

Content type name: Task
This is a site content type.
URL: /

Content type name: Feature Points of Contact
This is a site content type.
URL: /Subsite

Content type name: Task
This is a list content type.
URL: /Lists/Tasks

Content type name: Feature Points of Contact
This is a list content type.
URL: /Subsite/Lists/Subsite List



SPContentTypeUsage class

SPContentTypeUsage members

Microsoft.SharePoint namespace


Introduction to Content Types

Site and List Content Types