
EPM: Centralized or decentralized?: white paper (Project Server 2007)

更新日期: 2010年12月


上次修改主題的時間: 2012-03-26

This white paper describes how organizations need to understand the problem they are trying to solve when deciding on implementing a project management system. Sometimes deploying a centralized project management system may not be the best answer. This white paper is one in a series that is written by Chris Vandersluis of HMS Software, a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner.

To download this white paper, click EPM-Centralized or Decentralized?: white paper (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=207890). (File size: approximately 33 KB).

The following white papers by Chris Vandersluis are also available for download:

For more information about Chris Vandersluis, see the "From the Trenches" column located on the Project Server 2007 TechCenter (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=208602) on Microsoft TechNet.