Admin.SetDatabaseTimeout 方法
設定 Project Server core 資料庫,在 SQL 逾時秒數。
命名空間: WebSvcAdmin
組件: ProjectServerServices (在 ProjectServerServices.dll 中)
<SoapDocumentMethodAttribute("", RequestNamespace := "", _
ResponseNamespace := "", _
Use := SoapBindingUse.Literal, ParameterStyle := SoapParameterStyle.Wrapped)> _
Public Sub SetDatabaseTimeout ( _
timeoutType As DatabaseTimeoutType, _
timeout As Integer _
Dim instance As Admin
Dim timeoutType As DatabaseTimeoutType
Dim timeout As Integer
instance.SetDatabaseTimeout(timeoutType, _
[SoapDocumentMethodAttribute("", RequestNamespace = "",
ResponseNamespace = "",
Use = SoapBindingUse.Literal, ParameterStyle = SoapParameterStyle.Wrapped)]
public void SetDatabaseTimeout(
DatabaseTimeoutType timeoutType,
int timeout
類型:WebSvcAdmin.DatabaseTimeoutTypeProject Server 2010中可用的唯一值是Core常數 (值 = 0),這會指定核心資料庫。
類型:System.Int32內部 SQL 呼叫次數核心的 Project Server 資料庫中指定逾時 (以秒為單位)。
秘訣 |
在某些 Project Server 部署中,預設資料庫逾時不足夠。如果因 SQL 逾時錯誤而失敗的 Project Server 工作,管理員可使用SetDatabaseTimeout方法,來增加資料庫逾時設定,並再試一次此工作。 |
預設值和最小值是 30 秒。最大值為Int32最大,或是 2147483647 秒 (超過 15 年)。
若要設定專案佇列或時程表佇列的 SQL 命令逾時,您可以使用SetQueueConfiguration方法,或使用 [佇列設定] 頁面上Project Web App (https://ServerName/ProjectServerName/_layouts/pwa/Admin/queuesettings.aspx) 中。
Project Server 權限
權限 |
描述 |
可讓使用者管理 Project Server 的組態資訊。通用權限。 |
可讓使用者管理服務,例如 Active Directory 設定] 及 [資料庫逾時。通用權限。 |
若要使用下列Windows PowerShell指令碼,將儲存在名為 csv 檔案,例如組 DatabaseTimeout.ps1的指令碼。執行SharePoint 2010 管理命令介面( Microsoft SharePoint 2010 的專案資料夾中的**[開始**] 功能表) 的系統管理員身分,瀏覽至您儲存組 DatabaseTimeout.ps1 檔案並將目錄,並再輸入下列命令,例如,若要設定為 60 秒的逾時值: .\Set-DatabaseTimeout 60
## Set-DatabaseTimeout
## Uses the Admin web service of the PSI to call the SetDatabaseTimeout method.
## The script user must have Project Server administrator permissions.
## To run on your Project Server installation, change the $pwaUrl value.
## Argument:
## Integer secTimeout -- Timeout in seconds, 30 to 2147483647 (15+ years).
## Example:
## .\Set-DatabaseTimeout 1800
## -- Sets the database timeout to 1800 seconds (30 minutes).
Set-StrictMode -version 2.0
$pwaUrl = "http://jcorbin8/pwa"
$svcAdminUrl = $pwaUrl + "/_vti_bin/PSI/Admin.asmx?wsdl"
[int]$timeoutType = 0
[bool]$runtimeErr = $false
[bool]$argErr = $false
if ($secTimeout -eq $null)
$argErr = $true
else # Validate the timeout value.
if ($secTimeout -lt 30 -or $secTimeout -gt 2147483647)
$argErr = $true
if ($argErr)
Write-Host "Usage:`tSet-DatabaseTimeout timeoutSeconds"
Write-Host "`t`tTimeout minimum = 30; maximum = 2147483647 (over 15 years)"
Write-Host "Example, to set 30 minutes: `n`t`t.\Set-DatabaseTimeout 1800"
$c = Get-Credential
# Create a proxy for the Admin web service.
$svcAdminProxy = New-WebServiceProxy -uri $svcAdminUrl # -credential $c
$svcAdminProxy.SetDatabaseTimeout($timeoutType, $secTimeout)
catch [System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException]
Write-Host "A SoapException occurred."
$runtimeErr = $true
catch [System.Net.WebException]
Write-Host "A WebException occurred."
$runtimeErr = $true
Write-Host "An error occurred."
$runtimeErr = $true
if (-not $runtimeErr)
Write-Host "Success! Set the core SQL database timeout value to $secTimeout seconds."