
DateHeader members

The DateHeader class represents a header that contains structured date and time information.

The DateHeader type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method DateHeader(String, DateTime) The DateHeader constructor creates a new DateHeader object that has the given name and dateTime.
Public method DateHeader(String, DateTime, TimeSpan) The DateHeader constructor creates a new DateHeader object that has the given name, dateTime, and timeZoneOffset.



  Name Description
Public property DateTime The DateTime property gets or sets the date and time represented by this DateHeader object.
Public property FirstChild The FirstChild property gets the MimeNode object that is the first child of this MimeNode object. (Inherited from MimeNode.)
Public property HasChildren The HasChildren property gets a bool value that indicates whether this MimeNode object has children. (Inherited from MimeNode.)
Public property HeaderId The HeaderId property gets the HeaderId enumeration that describes the type of header that is represented by this Header object. (Inherited from Header.)
Protected property IsReadOnly Gets a bool value that indicates whether the owning MimeDocument object is read-only. (Inherited from MimeNode.)
Public property LastChild The LastChild property gets the last child of this MimeNode object. (Inherited from MimeNode.)
Public property Name The Name property gets the name of this header. (Inherited from Header.)
Public property NextSibling The NextSibling property gets the next MimeNode object in the list of children that belong to this MimeNode object. (Inherited from MimeNode.)
Public property Parent The Parent property gets the MimeNode object that is the parent of this MimeNode object. (Inherited from MimeNode.)
Public property PreviousSibling The PreviousSibling property gets the previous MimeNode object in the list of children that belong to this MimeNode object. (Inherited from MimeNode.)
Public property TimeZoneOffset The TimeZoneOffset property gets the time difference between the local time stored in this DateHeader object and coordinated universal time (UTC).
Public property UtcDateTime The UtcDateTime property gets the coordinated universal time (UTC) stored in this DateHeader object.
Public property Value The Value property gets or sets the value of the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) date header stored in this DateHeader object. (Overrides Header.Value.)



  Name Description
Public method AppendChild The AppendChild method puts a MimeNode object onto the end of the list of children that belong to this MimeNode object. (Inherited from MimeNode.)
Public method Clone The Clone method returns a deep copy of this DateHeader object. (Overrides MimeNode.Clone().)
Public method CopyTo The CopyTo method puts a deep copy of this DateHeader object into destination. (Overrides Header.CopyTo(Object).)
Public method GetEnumerator The GetEnumerator method returns an enumerator that can be used to iterate over the children of the MimeNode object. (Inherited from MimeNode.)
Public method InsertAfter The InsertAfter method inserts a new MimeNode object after a specified MimeNode object in the list of the children of this MimeNode object. (Inherited from MimeNode.)
Public method InsertBefore The InsertBefore method inserts a new MimeNode object before a specified MimeNode object in the list of the children of this MimeNode object. (Inherited from MimeNode.)
Public method IsValueValid The IsValueValid(String) method indicates whether value is valid for this header. (Overrides Header.IsValueValid(String).)
Public method PrependChild The PrependChild method puts a MimeNode at the start of the list of the children of this MimeNode object. (Inherited from MimeNode.)
Public method RemoveAll The RemoveAll method removes all children of this MimeNode object. (Inherited from MimeNode.)
Public method RemoveChild The RemoveChild method removes the specified child MimeNode object from the list of the children of this MimeNode object. (Inherited from MimeNode.)
Public method RemoveFromParent The RemoveFromParent method removes this MimeNode object from its parent. (Inherited from MimeNode.)
Public method ReplaceChild The ReplaceChild method replaces a specified MimeNode child object with another specified MimeNode object. (Inherited from MimeNode.)
Protected method ThrowIfReadOnly Throws an exception if the owning MimeDocument object is read-only. (Inherited from MimeNode.)
Public method TryGetValue The TryGetValue method tries to get the value of this Header object. TryGetValue does not throw an exception if it fails (Inherited from Header.)
Public method WriteTo(Stream) The WriteTo method writes the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) data in this MimeNode to stream. (Inherited from MimeNode.)
Public method WriteTo(MimeWriter) The WriteTo method writes the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) data in this MimeNode to writer. (Inherited from MimeNode.)
Public method WriteTo(Stream, EncodingOptions) The WriteTo method writes the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) data in this MimeNode object into stream by using encodingOptions. (Inherited from MimeNode.)


See also


DateHeader class

Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Mime namespace