

Please see Azure Cognitive Services for Speech documentation for the latest supported speech solutions.

DtmfRecognitionEngine Members

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

Provides access to DTMF recognition services.

The DtmfRecognitionEngine type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method DtmfRecognitionEngine Initializes a new instance of the DtmfRecognitionEngine class.



  Name Description
Public property EndSilenceTimeoutAmbiguous Gets or sets the interval of time to wait after an ambiguous recognition.
Public property Grammars Gets a list of Grammar objects loaded into the current instance of DtmfRecognitionEngine.
Public property InitialSilenceTimeout Gets or sets the interval of silence that can precede DTMF input before recognition fails.
Public property InterToneTimeout Gets or sets the time interval to wait between tones before terminating recognition.



  Name Description
Public method AddTone(Byte) Adds a tone to the buffer for recognition against the loaded Grammar objects.
Public method AddTone(DtmfTone) Adds a tone to the buffer for recognition against the loaded Grammar objects.
Public method Dispose Disposes the DtmfRecognitionEngine object.
Public method Equals (inherited from Object)
Protected method Finalize (inherited from Object)
Public method FlushToneBuffer Clears the tone buffer.
Public method GetHashCode (inherited from Object)
Public method GetTerminationTones Gets the collection of DTMF tones that terminate recognition.
Public method GetType (inherited from Object)
Public method LoadGrammar Synchronously loads the specified Grammar object into the DtmfRecognitionEngine instance.
Public method LoadGrammarAsync Asynchronously loads the specified Grammar object into the DtmfRecognitionEngine instance.
Protected method MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object)
Public method RecognizeAsync() Begins asynchronous recognition.
Public method RecognizeAsync(Boolean) Begins asynchronous recognition.
Public method RecognizeAsyncCancel Terminates asynchronous recognition without waiting for the current recognition operation to complete.
Public method SetTerminationTone Sets a DTMF tone that will terminate DTMF recognition immediately.
Public method SetTerminationTones Sets a collection of DTMF tones that will terminate DTMF recognition immediately.
Public method ToString (inherited from Object)
Public method UnloadAllGrammars Unloads all Grammar objects from the DtmfRecognitionEngine instance.
Public method UnloadGrammar Unloads the specified Grammar object from the DtmfRecognitionEngine instance.



  Name Description
Public event DtmfHypothesized Raised when DTMF input has been detected and recognized.
Public event DtmfRecognitionRejected Raised when DTMF input has been detected, but cannot be recognized from current grammars.
Public event DtmfRecognized Raised when DTMF input has been detected and recognized.
Public event LoadGrammarCompleted Raised on completion of the asynchronous load of a Grammar object.
Public event RecognizeCompleted Raised on completion of an asynchronous recognition.


See Also


DtmfRecognitionEngine Class

Microsoft.Speech.Recognition Namespace