
Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Backup Namespace

Provides types and members for performing backup and restore operations on Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 sites.

Four types of built-in components can be backed up and restored with the classes of this namespace: the entire farm, content publishing Web services, Web applications, and content databases. You also can create new content types that can be backed up and restored by implementing the IBackupRestore interface.

You can use the classes in Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment to create backups and restorations of individual site collections and Web sites.


  Class Description
SPBackupInformation Provides information about a backup operation, such as the location of the backup device.
SPBackupRestoreConfigurationSettings Represents some farm wide settings used in backup and restore operations.
SPBackupRestoreConsole Provides static methods for running and managing backup and restore operations.
SPBackupRestoreConsoleObject Represents a particular backup or restore operation.
SPBackupRestoreHistoryList A list of past backup and restore operations (including those that failed or were cancelled before finishing) for a particular backup location.
SPBackupRestoreHistoryObject Represents a single current or past backup or restore operation.
SPBackupRestoreInformation Provides information about a backup or restore job that is running or has just completed.
SPBackupRestoreObject Provides helper functions for backup and restore operations and acts as a container for an SPBackupRestoreInformation object and its correlated IBackupRestore object.
SPBackupRestoreObjectCollection Represents a collection of SPBackupRestoreObjectCollection objects.
SPBackupRestoreSettings Stores a pattern of settings for a backup or restore operation.
SPBackupSettings Represents the configuration settings for a backup operation, including the number of threads to use.
SPRestoreEventArgs Provides data for handling an ObjectsRestored event.
SPRestoreInformation Provides information about a restore operation that is currently underway or just completed.
SPRestoreSettings Represents the configuration settings for a restore operation. The settings include the method of restoration, the backup to be restored, and farm logon information.
SPVssComponentDefinition Provides information about a custom, non-database, Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 content component to the Windows SharePoint Services VSS Writer service.
SPVssDiscoveryHelper Enables custom types of non-database content components to be protected by Volume Shadow Service.


  Interface Description
IBackupRestore Enables the content that a class represents to be backed up and restored.
IBackupRestoreTreeFormatter Formats, for use in a UI, a tree presentation of the components on the farm that can be backed up.


  Delegate Description
SPRestoreCompleteEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the ObjectsRestored event of an SPFarm.


  Enumeration Description
SPBackupMethodType Specifies whether all content or only changed content is backed up.
SPBackupRestoreLogSeverity Specifies the severity of an issue that occurs during a backup or restore operation and is logged with a message.
SPBackupRestorePhaseType Specifies what stage in a backup or restore operation is currently underway.
SPRestoreMethodType Specifies whether only content that does not already exist in the restore target is restored from the backup object or whether content with the same name as in the backup object is also overwritten.
SPRestoreType Specifies whether a site collection or a content component larger than a site collection; that is, a farm, Web service, Web application, or content database; is restored.