
ListViewChooser Members

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Renders a Control that is used to choose a view for displaying a list.

The ListViewChooser type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method ListViewChooser Initializes a new instance of the ListViewChooser class.



  Name Description
Public property IsInHierarchyManager Gets a value that indicates whether the ListViewChooser is contained within a hierarchy manager control.
Public property SelectedID Gets the ID of the selected item in the ListViewChooser.
Public property SupportWss Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the ListViewChooser is displayed using Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010 formatting.
Public property TitleTextLocId Gets or sets the ID of the localized version of the ListViewChooser object title text.



  Name Description
Protected method OnInit Handles the Init event. (Overrides Control.OnInit(EventArgs).)
Protected method Render Renders the ListViewChooser to the client. (Overrides Control.Render(HtmlTextWriter).)



  Name Description
Public field DefaultToFirst Specifies a value that indicates whether the first ListViewChooserItem will be selected by default if no ListViewChooserItem is selected.
Public field DefaultView Specifies the default view of the ListViewChooser.
Public field IsInCMC Specifies a value that indicates whether the ListViewChooser is in the category management console.


See Also


ListViewChooser Class

Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.WebControls Namespace