
PopUpDialogTitle Members

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

Renders a control that is used to display the title for a popup dialog.

The PopUpDialogTitle type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method PopUpDialogTitle Initializes a new instance of the PopUpDialogTitle class.



  Name Description
Public property Description Gets the localized description for the popup dialog.
Public property DescriptionLocId Gets or sets the localized string ID value associated with the description.
Public property DescriptionLocIdNum Gets or sets the integer value of the localized string ID associated with the description.
Public property HelpLinkAccessKey Gets the localized string access key for the Help link.
Public property HelpLinkAccessKeyLocId Gets or sets the localized string ID value associated with the HelpLinkAccessKey.
Public property HelpLinkAccessKeyLocIdNum Gets or sets the integer value of the localized string ID associated with the HelpLinkAccessKey.
Public property HelpLinkText Gets the localized text of the Help link.
Public property HelpLinkTextLocId Gets or sets the localized string ID value associated with the text of the Help link.
Public property HelpLinkTextLocIdNum Gets or sets the integer value of the localized string ID associated with the HelpLinkAccessKey.
Public property ImageUrl Gets or sets the URL of the image that is displayed with the popup dialog title.
Public property ImageUrlFileContext Gets or sets the resource file context of the image that is displayed with the popup dialog title.
Public property ImageUrlFileName Gets or sets the resource file name of the image that is displayed with the popup dialog title.
Public property Title Gets or sets the title for the PopUpDialogTitle.
Public property TitleLocId Gets or sets the localized string ID value associated with the title.
Public property TitleLocIdNum Gets or sets the integer value of the localized string ID associated with the title.



  Name Description
Protected method Render Renders the PopUpDialogTitle control to the specified [System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter] object. (Overrides Control.Render(HtmlTextWriter).)



  Name Description
Public field HelpID Represents the Help identifier (ID) to use for the Help link.
Public field HelpUrl Represents the URL to use for the Help link.


See Also


PopUpDialogTitle Class

Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.WebControls Namespace