
ISPCalendar Members

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Provides methods for working with the local calendar.

The ISPCalendar type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method DateToJulianDay Returns the Julian day of the specified date.
Public method DaysInMonth(SimpleDate) Returns the number of days in the month of the specified date.
Public method DaysInMonth(SimpleDate, Int32) Returns the number of days in the month of the specified date.
Public method GetEraJulianDay Returns the Julian day of the first day of the specified era.
Public method GetEraOffset Returns the integer offset to use for dates in the specified era.
Public method IsDateValid Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the specified SimpleDate represents a valid date value.
Public method IsSupportedDate Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the specified date is supported by the local calendar.
Public method IsSupportedJulianDay Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the specified Julian day is supported by the local calendar.
Public method IsSupportedMonth Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the specified month in the specified year is supported by the local calendar.
Public method IsSupportedYear Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the specified year is supported by the local calendar.
Public method IsYearLeap(Int32) Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the specified year is a leap year.
Public method IsYearLeap(Int32, Int32) Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the specified year in the specified era is a leap year.
Public method JulianDayToDate Returns the date of the specified Julian day.
Public method MonthsInYear Returns the number of months in the year of the specified date.


See Also


ISPCalendar Interface

Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities Namespace