
DSQuery Members

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

NOTE: This API is now obsolete.

Represents a query used by a data retrieval service.

The DSQuery type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method DSQuery Obsolete. Initializes a new instance of the DSQuery class.



  Name Description
Public property ColumnMapping Obsolete. Gets or sets the XML format that is used for data returned in the query.
Public property ComparisonLocale Obsolete. Gets or sets the locale that the server uses for string comparisons.
Public property DspQuery Obsolete. Gets or sets the filter, column selection, sorting, and row limit used in the query.
Public property HasStartPosition Obsolete. Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the StartPosition property has been set.
Public property ResultContent Obsolete. Gets or sets the type of content that is returned through the query.
Public property ResultNamespace Obsolete. Gets or sets the namespace to use on the query result.
Public property ResultPrefix Obsolete. Gets or sets a prefix for the result namespace.
Public property ResultRoot Obsolete. Gets or sets the root name for the XML payload.
Public property ResultRow Obsolete. Gets or sets a row element name for the XML payload.
Public property Select Obsolete. Gets or sets an XPath expression that specifies the data item that the client is querying against.
Public property StartPosition Obsolete. Gets or sets a string that identifies the beginning of the next page when paging is supported by the data retrieval service.



  Name Description
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)


See Also


DSQuery Class

Microsoft.SharePoint.Dsp Namespace