
SP.RoleDefinition.update() Method

Applies to: SharePoint Foundation 2010

Updates the role definition with changes that have been made to its properties.


Applies To

SP.RoleDefinition Class


  • [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPException]
    Specified role definition has conflicting properties with existing roles. Error code: -2130575293. Invalid role definition name, either empty or contains one or more invalid characters. Error code: -2130575281. Role definition is not unique to current site. Error code: -2130575253.
  • [System.ArgumentException]
    Role definition is not part of a collection or site. Error code: -2147024809.
  • [System.InvalidOperationException]
    Role definition is inherited from a parent site. Error code: -1.
  • [System.UnauthorizedAccessException]
    The current user has insufficient permissions. Error code: -2147024891.

See Also


SP.RoleDefinition Methods

SP.RoleDefinition Properties

SP Namespace